Respond to at least two (2) peers, asking a question about their process in creating their purpose or make a suggestion to strengthen the connection between the problem and purpose statement. Then continue to check in each week by asking a question, sharing an experience, responding to someone else, or adding helpful links and resources.
Problem Statement and Purpose in General
In research, problem statement and purpose are intertwined, with each concept influencing the other. The problem statement is a core section of the research process whose aim is to identify the issues or gaps in the literature review that need to be addressed. It is the foundation on which the purpose of the research is built. The problem statement is a compass that guides the researcher on their purpose. Therefore, the purpose statement explains the researcher’s goals and objectives with the research. Pecher et al. (2020) outline that the purpose statement should be specific, timely, and tailored to the problem statement.
The connection between Research Problem, Problem Statement, and Purpose
My research problem is the barriers that hinder the success of using telemedicine to reach out to underserved populations in the United States. Telemedicine is an advanced technological amalgamation with health care to improve mental and physical health service delivery to minorities and underserved regions in the United States. The problem statement that arose from my research problem is to assess the digital divide’s impact in limiting telemedicine’s success. According to DeGuzman et al. (2020), the digital divide is the socio-economic disparities among people where a certain group has limitations in accessing smartphones and broadband internet.
Using the problem statement, my purpose statement for the research is to compare the findings of various research done on the impact of the digital divide in impairing the success of telemedicine. Additionally, through the study, it is our plan to come up with precise solutions. In the long run, the goal is to resolve the systemic health inequity and ensure everyone in the country, regardless of ethnicity, tribe, or race, has access to quality mental and physical health services.
My problem statement is interconnected with the purpose. My problem statement is to assess the digital divide’s impact in impairing telemedicine’s success. The purpose is to compare the outcomes of several studies on challenges facing telemedicine and develop recommendations that will offer a solution. The study will be of great help in addressing health inequality.
DeGuzman, P. B., Siegfried, Z., &Leimkuhler, M. E. (2020). Evaluation of rural public libraries to address telemedicine inequities. Public Health Nursing, 37(5), 806-811. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.12777Links to an external site.
Pecher, D., Chu, Z., & Byrd, V. L. (2020, October). Developing Research Questions: A method for transforming a question into a problem statement. In 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE44824.2020.9274275Links to an external site.
A problem statement is a description of what is not known or understood about your topic that is of interest to the problem (Booth, et al. 2016). The problem statement, is one of the three most important elements of a research proposal, along with the purpose statement and research question /hypothesis. In writing the problem statement , you should use precise, parsimonious language that clearly signals the problem to your reader. Although some institutions might require additional elements in a problem statement, these are the three parts of a problem statement. The research problem itself, for whom and why studying the problem is important, and how the current study will address the problem (Burkholder, et al. 2020).
The purpose statement describes the (a) study design;(b) the theory being tested (quantitative) or central phenomenon being investigated (qualitative), or both (mixed methods); (c) the studies intent; (d) the variables (quantitative) or definition of the phenomenon (qualitative), or both mixed methods); (e) the participants; and (f) the site or context (Burkholder, et al. 2020).
The negative effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the relationships between veterans and their loved ones are substantial, Equine Assisted Therapy EAT is an experimental treatment that has shown improvement in veterans. Combining the veterans and their families in a large-scale EAT treatment will produce significant results for veterans and their families.
The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine the results of EAT on veterans and military families. A large-scale open trial of several US EAT organizations will be conducted and surveys and questionnaire tabulations will benefit veterans’ transition into a civilian lifestyle.
Although the aforementioned researchers illuminate important findings regarding PTSD, I have not found research that has examined (a large enough population of EAT patients to find accurate therapeutic results on U.S veterans’ mental health and its effect on their families). Given such, further research is warranted that could examine (a large enough population of EAT patients to find more accurate therapeutic results on U.S. veterans’ mental health and its effect on their families) to address the documented problem…. (ofthe negative effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the relationships of veterans and their loved ones).
What are the effects of EAT on veterans with PTSD and their families.
Booth, W. C., Colomb, G.G., Williams, J.M., Bizup, J., & Fitzgerald, W. T. (2016). The craft of research (4th ed.) Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press
Burkholder, G.J., Cox, K. A., Crawford. L.M., Hitchcock, J.H., (2020). Research Design and Methods Sage Publications Inc.