1. Read the following primary source: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6si3py8w5di02cqtrgq6n/Abigail-and-John-Adams.pdf?rlkey=7ixrnkq9yzj9enj7h2m1e26vv&dl=0

Then, answer the 2 questions on pg. 109.

Your answers should be 2-3 complete sentences and should prove you’ve read the article AND can use what you’ve learned in the lecture.

2. Read the following Primary Source, Mary Smith Cranch comments on politics:  https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/a-new-nation/mary-smith-cranch-comments-on-politics-1786-87/

Then, answer the following questions.  Your answers should be 2-3 complete sentences.  Any use of chat GPT is an immediate zero.

-When she says, “Let no one say that the ladies are of no importance in the affairs of the nation.”  Why do you think Mary Smith Cranch feels as though women are vital in this new nation?

– Why does Cranch fear a departure from monarchy to anarchy?  

-How does Cranch describe Shays and his followers?  Why?

3. Read the following text: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xai51bbf3i4ohc6xxy00j/Protests-against-the-Alien-and-Sedition-Acts.pdf?rlkey=iwygsbavg6j3oxy96khltand0&dl=0

Then, answer the questions found on pg. 154.  Your answers should be 2-3 full complete sentences.

Last, write a 2-3 paragraph short answer relating the Alien and Sedition Acts and how they would be received today in the US.  

Use of Chat GPT will be an immediate zero.

4. Read the following document and then answer the questions below: https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/the-early-republic/thomas-jefferson-notes-on-the-state-of-virginia-1788/

 Why is Jefferson’s description of African Americans considered racist by modern standards?

Where do you think Jefferson finds his “scientific” analysis of African Americans?  (Observation, studies, etc)

Why does Jefferson believe African Americans are inferior to white Americans? (quote if you need to)

How does Jefferson compare African Americans and natives?

Reflection:  How does this passage make you think when you remember Thomas Jefferson fathered mixed race children?

5. Read the following piece from Tocqueville:  https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/the-market-revolution/alexis-de-toqueville-how-americans-understand-the-equality-of-the-sexes-1840/

Then, answer the following questions:  

What do you think Tocqueville means when he says:  :”It may readily be conceived that by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded”?

 When Tocqueville refers to the duties of man and the duties of women being divided, what is he referring to?  In other words, how has society perceived what duties are for men and what duties are for women?

Why do you think Tocqueville believes women “often exhibit a masculine strength of understanding and a manly energy, generally preserve great delicacy of personal appearance and always retain the manners of women although they sometimes show that they have the hearts and minds of men”?

How does Tocqueville perceive authority in the family?

What do you think Tocqueville believes in regards to importance of women?  (Think about all aspects of society.  Remember, you are writing about Tocqueville, not your own perceptions of the importance of women).

6. Read the following primary source, Jackson vetoes the bank https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/democracy-in-america/andrew-jacksons-veto-message-against-re-chartering-the-bank-of-the-united-states-1832/

Then, answer the following questions:

What is Jackson’s meaning of the following phrase:  “Having considered it with that solemn regard to the principles of the Constitution which the day was calculated to inspire”  Remember Jackson’s political formula!

Why does Jackson say the bank has exclusive privilege?

How does Jackson reflect the plight of the common man?  (hint:  he mentions the richest class)

How does Jackson refer to equality?

7. Read the following document, then answer the questions below:

Ambrose Bierce Recalls his Experience at the Battle of Shiloh, 1881

What is Bierce describing when he tells us about “a thousand lights kindled and expired in every second of time. There were broad flushings in the sky, against which the branches of the trees showed black. Sudden flames burst out here and there, singly and in dozens. “?

How does Bierce describe the sounds of battle?

What happens as the soldiers travel through the night?  

How does Bierce describe the look of the battlefield the day after?

8. Read the following primary source, Mississippi Black Codes:

Mississippi Black Code, 1865

And answer the following questions:

Why do you think Mississippi required African Americans to sign labor contracts?

What basic rights are granted to former slaves?

What basic rights are denied to former slaves?

What were the motives behind the codes?

What are punishments for breaking the codes?


1. Read the following primary source: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6si3py8w5di02cqtrgq6n/Abigail-and-John-Adams.pdf?rlkey=7ixrnkq9yzj9enj7h2m1e26vv&dl=0 Then, answer the 2 questions on pg. 109.
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