1-What were the key points of Luther’s message?
2-What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Catholic Church in the 1500s?
3-Why did Protestantism spread so quickly?
4-Why did it take so long for the Catholic Church to mount an effective challenge to Protestantism?
5-How did new Catholic religious orders serve the goals of the Counter Reformation?
6-How did politics and religion combine in England to produce a split with Rome?
7-How did politics and religion combine in France to produce civil war?
8-What were the causes of the witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?
9-What were the key points of Luther’s message?
10-What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Catholic Church in the 1500s?
11-Why did Protestantism spread so quickly?
12-Why did it take so long for the Catholic Church to mount an effective challenge to Protestantism?
13-How did new Catholic religious orders serve the goals of the Counter Reformation?
14-How did politics and religion combine in England to produce a split with Rome?
NOTE :requirement around 200 words per answered
BOOK NAME : connections: a world history, by edward h. judge, john w. langdon, volume 2, 4th edition, (revel access card