10-12 pages of content (not including title page and references), 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, default margins, APA citation. 


The purpose of this research paper is to help you engage with current events and contemporary challenges concerning Indigenous people in Canada. You should be able to interpret a current issue in relation to the historical and cultural aspects of the colonial experiences that we have been learning about throughout the course. The conclusion of your paper should explain why the topic is important for all Canadians to examine and why these challenges are problems for all Canadians to work out together to address.           

You will choose a topic from Category A (land and environmental challenges) AND from Category B (social and cultural challenges) – see the category list below. You should begin research by reading ahead through the units that offer the most directly relevant background for your assigned topic. You are also required to move beyond the course material and seek out current/recent primary or secondary resource materials to present further context and information about your assigned topic.   

The research paper will be assessed on the student’s ability to use information from the textbooks, articles, films, and Internet research to provide context for understanding the assigned topic. As the paper will be ‘published’ in our class-only discussion forum, it will also be assessed according to its usefulness to others in understanding the two issues you have covered. Style, organization, spelling, and grammar will also be assessed as an overall presentation assessment.

General Guidelines for the completion of this assignment

  • Getting started: Read the unit readings that correspond most directly to your topic (see Category A and B lists).
  • Moving forward: Use the ‘Search’ fields in the websites provided (and others that you find through Google or Wikipedia for example) for current or recent news/blog items that can provide further context and information about your topic. NOTE: Copy-and-paste from websites into your essay is plagiarism, it is easy to detect, and is severely punished. Proper citation and referencing is expected (see reference guidelines below) for all quotes or excerpts. HOWEVER it is needless and lazy to copy-and-paste chunks of text from websites into your essay, even if properly cited and referenced. You must learn to paraphrase. Take the information you learn and work it into what you want to say in your own words.
  • Continue to pay attention to these websites as you move along, as some reporters/bloggers publish frequent updates that will be useful for you.

Format for the paper

Your essay should have a short, concise introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

  • Introduction: Give a short summary of the issue at hand – one or two paragraphs.
  • Main body: Outline the themes and facts and circumstances from the textbooks, article readings, and films (whenever applicable) that give background context and information about your topic. Use your current event resources from the Internet to relate that background to the present, so that the reader connects historical conditions directly to the present day. (Ie: What is the historical lead-up to this issue? How have certain government decisions and/or industrial enterprises impacted Aboriginal people’s lives, forcing reaction to this issue? How do aspects of cultural and economic sovereignty, law [Indian Act], and racism play into this issue?)
  • Conclusion: Explain why it is important that non-Aboriginal Canadians – both long-standing and new Canadians – should examine these challenges as problems for all Canadians to work out together with the Aboriginal people affected. In other words, explain why challenges for Aboriginal people ultimately concern all of us in important ways. Explore the reasons why this is so.

Essay Topic Reference Material

It should be noted that all units are in some way related or relevant to every topic, so it is best to pay close attention during every unit as we move along through the course. However to get you started quickly refer to the specific units listed below to start your research.

Category A – Land and/or Environmental Challenges

  1. Manitoba Metis Federation Land Claim – Units 1,6,8
  2. Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline – Units 1,2,3,4,8
  3. Alberta Tar Sands (Athabasca Oil Sands) – Units 1,2,3,4,8
  4. Grassy Narrows First Nation – Units 1,2,3,4,8
  5. Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (K.I.) First Nation – Units 1,2,3,4,8.
  6. Climate Change and the North (with particular focus on the Inuit) – Units 1,2,3,5,8
  7. Bipole III (Manitoba Hydro Transmission Project) – Units 1,2,3, 4, 8

Category B – Social and/or Cultural Challenges

  1. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) to address Residential Schools Legacy – Units 1,3,9
  2. Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women – Units 1,3,7,9
  3. Aboriginal Children in Foster Care – Units 1,3,7,9
  4. We Are All Treaty People’ campaign – Units 1,2,3,8
  5. Underfunding of Aboriginal Education in Canada – Units 1,3,7

Recommended WebsitesNational news sites

CBC http://www.cbc.ca/

Globe and Mail http://www.theglobeandmail.com/

Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.ca

Aboriginal People’s Television Network http://www.aptn.ca/

Other useful sites

Rabble http://rabble.ca/

Indigenous Environmental Network http://ienearth.org/

Raven Trust http://www.raventrust.com 

People and Planet http://peopleandplanet.org/

Aboriginal Multi-Media Society http://www.ammsa.com

Indian Country Today http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/

First Perspective http://www.firstperspective.ca/

Intercontinental Cry http://intercontinentalcry.org/

Media Indigena http://www.mediaindigena.com/

Need to write from Category A Bipole III (Manitoba Hydro Transmission Project) – Units 1,2,3, 4, 8 and from category B We Are All Treaty People’ campaign – Units 1,2,3,8. I also attach my research paper outline. so please read that carefully to better understand the topic.


10-12 pages of content (not including title page and references), 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, default margins, APA citation. Description The purpose of this research paper is to
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