Chapter 10
Answer these questions fully in complete sentences – remember that these questions are used in exams and possibly comps – so it is to your advantage to answer them as completely as possible.
Book: Lussier, R. N., & Kimball, D. C. (2019). Applied Sport Management Skills (Third ed.). Human Kinetics.
- What are the differences between vertical, horizontal, and grapevine communications?
- What is the difference between encoding and decoding?
- What is distortion?
- Give an example of nonverbal communication in baseball, in poker, and in soccer.
- What forms of communication do you personally use to gather information about sports?
- What is the 1-5-15 rule?
- What is media richness?
- What should you include when you send an oral message? A written one? What makes each effective, and why?
- Which response style do you use most often?
- When we calm emotional people, why don’t we simply show them who is boss?
- Visit your college library and find an article in the Journal of Sport Management that mentions communication. In what context is the term used?
- What athletes can you name who received criticism in a professional manner? What athletes or coaches responded in an aggressive, reactionary manner?
- Practice writing a press release for a local sporting team. You might also write a press release for a fantasy sport team (if you are part of a fantasy league) you manage.
- Is the grapevine helpful or harmful to most organizations? Should managers try to stop grapevine communications? Why or why not?
- Wireless phones and handheld devices are blurring work and home life. Is this positive or negative? Should people stay connected and work while on vacation?
- Which communication barrier do you think is the most common, and which barrier do you believe has the most negative effects on communication?
- Which message transmission channel do you use most often in your personal time, and which do you use most in your professional time? What is your strongest and weakest channel? How can you improve on your weakness?
- When sending messages, how effective are you at checking the receiver’s understanding? How can you improve?
- When receiving messages, how effective are you at listening? How can you improve?
#10 – Questions