Reflective self-practice is a critical skill in becoming an effective manager (see link). This assignment is designed to develop your reflective self-practice skills that are grounded in empirical concepts presented throughout the course. In the essay, you will be asked to (a) critically reflect on your and your team’s performance dynamics on the Everest Simulation, and (b) synthesize this new understanding to engage in personal change. The essay has a 1000 word limit (this includes the in-text citations but excludes the final reference list). The essay will be assessed according to your ability to reflect on your self-practice in line with key theories and concepts presented throughout the course and through your own research.
Your essay has three specific components
- A short summary of your team experience to identify a key teamwork problem area (or teamwork success) to improve (sustain).
Provide a short summary of your overall team experiences. Identify one key teamwork area to improve (sustain). Justify how this key teamwork problem (success) affected your team.
- Draw upon course content and individual research to explain potential reasons why the problem (success) occurred at the individual and group/organisational levels.
Explain what drove this teamwork problem (success) at both the individual and team/organisational levels. Support your insights and reflections on these drivers with theory and evidence derived from the course lectures, readings, as well as your own research.
- Develop strategies and action plans to minimise (sustain) its future occurrence.
Consider what you can personally do in the future to stop (sustain) the drivers from occurring or in mitigating (further strengthening) its impact. Consider barriers to its implementation.
While the essay is self-reflective in nature, students will be expected to incorporate evidence-based approaches in their reflection (i.e. how do you know this drove your identified team problem? how do you know this was the key force that resulted in team success). In doing so, students are expected to incorporate academic references in making sense of their reflections. Academic references are those which have been peer-reviewed and published in reputable scholarly journals (such as your readings). Students will receive feedback on their essay against the assessment criteria within 2 weeks of completion. The marking criteria for the essay can be found below.
Using following theory:
- Taylor and Scientific Management
- Theory X and Y of Workers
- mechanistic organisation and the human relations perspectives
- Critically Examining the Rank and Yank System
- EI
- Cognitive theories
– Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
– Locke & Latham’s Goal setting Theory
– Greenberg’s Equity/Justice Theories
– Content theories
– Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs
– Hertzberg’s theory X and Y
– Ryan & Deci’s Self-Determination Theory
Base on this simulation information to write this assignment