Watch this video on the Boxer Rebellion Links to an external site.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=Y-18lUI8ZBnuxhxe&v=JSe8FmYlYdk&feature=youtu.be)Review this website https://omniatlas.com/maps/asia-pacific/19000616/Links to an external site.
These will help you gain insight to the topic.
Create a two-column chart that explains the events of the Boxer Rebellion through the perspectives described in the featured sources.
Excerpt from Fei Ch’i-hao’s account of the Boxer RebellionLinks to an external site. ( Internet History Sourcebooks: Modern History (fordham.edu) )
Excerpt from Luella Minor’s account of the Boxer RebellionLinks to an external site. ( Internet History Sourcebooks: Modern History (fordham.edu) )
Read Primary Source 18.1 and answer the following questions:
Why did the other women at the meeting ask Gage not to allow Sojourner Truth to speak? What were they afraid of?
What does Truth mean when she says, “Ain’t I a woman?”
What role does religion play in this document?