Students will be required to survey or interview a total of 5 individuals during the course of the semester to further help understand the perceptions of Human Trafficking. Two of the five individuals (Survey Assignments Four and Five) selected must be individuals working in the Criminal Justice System such as law enforcement officer, corrections officer, defense attorney, state attorney, mediator, judge, or any other officer of the justice system. The other three (Survey Assignments 1 3) can be any individuals from the general public. Each interview is worth 6 points (total of 30 points).
Students will be required to submit the results of the survey through the online survey link. They are also required to write at least 200 words (per survey or interview) summarizing the results of each survey or interview that will be submitted to the Dropbox. APA in-text citations and references are required for any external and textbook material provided. Excessive quotations (more quotes than your own words) will not award points.
1st Survey/Interview