CJ 520 Module Two Policy Analysis Memorandum Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Two, you will write a policy analysis memorandum that is a minimum of one page in length, excluding title and
reference pages, that explains to the supervisor of your criminal justice agency the importance of incorporating an understanding of at least two criminological
theories into policymaking. Explain how your understanding of the theories would help you begin to analyze policy for how it could be improved. This
memorandum will help prepare you for your Milestone One submission in Module Three.
First, review the document Criminological Theories Defined as well as the different criminological theories that are described in your text Criminological Theory.
Select two theories to complete this assignment. In your reading and in your research, pay particular attention to how criminological theories have been applied in
the creation or revision of departmental policies.
Next, consider the following scenario: Your supervisor needs to be convinced of the need to incorporate criminological theory into the decisions that are made
regarding departmental policy-making. Write this memo for a departmental policy from one of the three following departments: law enforcement, the courts, or
Use the Memorandum Template to complete the assignment. Address the following critical elements as they are reflected in the Sample Policy Memorandum.
Prompt: These critical elements appear as headings in the Memorandum Template and must be addressed:
1. Issue Presented: In a brief one-sentence question, summarize the importance of incorporating an understanding of at least two criminological theories
into the decisions that are made regarding departmental policymaking.
2. Short Answer: Provide a short answer that summarizes the conclusion of the memorandum.
3. Statement of Facts: Describe how incorporating these two criminological theories will result in more effective policymaking.
4. Discussion: Using examples from your text and from your own research, briefly discuss at least one example of a departmental policy (from law
enforcement, the courts, or corrections) that has effectively been revised to incorporate these two criminological theories.
5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the research you have done and the details you have gathered.
6. Recommendations: Recommend incorporating an understanding of at least two criminological theories into a departmental policy in one of the three
following departments: law enforcement, the courts, or corrections.
Reference your textbook or other course readings to support your submission.
For assistance in writing this memorandum, please review the Sample Policy Memorandum as well as the optional article Policy Memo Writing Tips.
Guidelines for Submission: This policy analysis memorandum assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: minimum 1 page in length (excluding title and
reference pages), single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and
on the reference page. Please use the Memorandum Template to complete this activity.
Refer to the Criminal Justice Library Tips for assistance in finding and citing outside sources.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Issue Presented Meets “Proficient” criteria and
question is a succinct and clear
Summarizes the importance of
incorporating criminological
theories into the decisions that
are made regarding
departmental policy-making
Summarizes the importance of
incorporating criminological
theories into the decisions that
are made regarding
departmental policy-making,
but summary contains
Does not summarize the
importance of incorporating
criminological theories into the
decisions that are made
regarding departmental policymaking
Short Answer Meets “Proficient” criteria and
short answer is a succinct and
clear summary of the
Provides a short answer that
summarizes the conclusion of
the memorandum
Provides a short answer that
summarizes the conclusion of
the memorandum, but
summary lacks detail or
contains inaccuracies
Does not provide a short
answer that summarizes the
conclusion of the memorandum
Statement of Facts Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides clear and specific
Describes how incorporating
criminological theories will
result in more effective policymaking
Describes how incorporating
criminological theories will
result in more effective policymaking, but description lacks
detail or contains inaccuracies
Does not describe how
incorporating criminological
theories will result in more
effective policy-making
Discussion Meets “Proficient” criteria and
example discussed includes
accurate and relevant detail
Provides a discussion of an
example of a departmental
policy (from law enforcement,
the courts, or corrections) that
has effectively been revised to
incorporate criminological
Provides a discussion of an
example of a departmental
policy (from law enforcement,
courts, or corrections), but the
example has not been
effectively revised to
incorporate criminological
theories, or discussion lacks
detail or contains inaccuracies
Does not provide a discussion
of an example of a
departmental policy (from law
enforcement, the courts, or
corrections) that has effectively
been revised to incorporate
criminological theories
Conclusion Meets “Proficient” criteria
and conclusion is succinct
and clear
Provides a conclusion based
on research done and details
Provides a conclusion based
on research done and details
gathered, but conclusion
contains inaccuracies
Does not provide a
conclusion based on
research done and details
Meets “Proficient” criteria
and rationale for
recommendations are clear,
relevant, and detailed
Recommends incorporating
an understanding of
criminological theories into a
departmental policy in one of
the three following
departments: law
enforcement, the courts, or
Recommends incorporating
an understanding of
criminological theories into a
departmental policy in one of
the three departments, law
enforcement, the courts, or
corrections, but
Does not recommend
incorporating an
understanding of
criminological theories into a
departmental policy in one of
the three following
departments: law
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax,
and organization and is
presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major
errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively
impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas