ARTICLE REVIEW ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWASD research is ever-evolving. Being knowledgeable of current research and trends supports instruction and intervention. Throughout the course, you will conduct three article reviews related to ASD. You will review and synthesize current research as it relates to areas of communication, behavior, and social skills. INSTRUCTIONSResearch a current peer-reviewed journal article related to ASD and module objectives via the Jerry Falwell Library. Compose an article summary addressing direct or implied information related to areas of communication, behavior, and social skills. The introductory paragraph should provide a brief overall summary for the article. Three separate paragraphs, labeled with headings (communication, behavior, and social skills), should address information specifically from the article regarding the respective heading. Clear links should be made between the article and course content, with citations from both references included in each paragraph. The closing paragraph should include a clear summary of the main points of the article and implications for supporting individuals with ASD.The final assignment should: Be at least two pages, double spaced, excluding title page and reference page. Follow all current APA formatting guidelines. Include at least two references. o Acceptable references include the course text and peer-reviewed journal articles no more than five years old.
2 page report