Assessment Completed by:
Peer Review of:
- Open the Audience Analysis Memo Assignment to be familiar with the assignment and criteria while responding to these questions.
- Select a draft to review that has not already been reviewed or only has one review.
- Enter your feedback in the “Audience Analysis Memo Peer Review Form” and return it to your peer.
- You must provide at least 2-3 sentences for each point in order to be eligible to receive full credit. Also, if a drafter does not address one of the points listed, you will need to state that the point is not addressed and make a recommendation of how the writer might work this important aspect of the assignment into their draft.
- You may not simply copy the language from the peer review form in your responses as this is not in the spirit of the assignment. Your peer review should go beyond confirmation of meeting the assignment to offer constructive feedback.
Peer Review Questions
- The drafter has chosen two websites with different primary audiences that present information on the same topic. One should be for a technical/professional/scientific primary audience; the other website should be geared towards a non-professional/layperson audience.
- List the two websites and the primary audience of each. Do the websites meet the assignment criteria? Why or why not?
- The analysis addresses all questions for analysis.
- If not, then list the questions not answered.
- The analysis is well organized. It has a clear structure with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
- If there is not a clear structure, provide a comment about how to make the structure clearer.
- The memo includes a clear analysis of the two web sites, including comparison and contrast of the sites themselves and their target audiences. It does not just describe.
- If there is not a clear analysis of a technical and non-technical website, provide feedback to your peer on where the analysis needs to be in the document. Point out any areas where there is description.
- The analysis is concrete in that it uses examples from the Websites to support major points. The use of examples is selective and to-the-point. The examples are included in order to illustrate the analysis point and not to fill the page with words. There are no long direct quotations (defined as more than 3 lines) from the analyzed Websites.
- Copy/paste two examples provided.
- The student explains how the examples relate back to the analysis.
- If there are anythat do not relate back to the analysis, provide your peer with feedback using the peer review worksheet templates to guide your responses.
- The memo is formatted correctly following the specified guidelines for memos from Chapter 10. APA citation style is used when needed.
- If there are formatting errors, point those out to your peer.
- Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. Minimum word requirement is met.
- Note the word count, and if there are errors, point those out to your peer.
- Rate how well the paper aligns with the assignment guidelines and explain why you gave this rating. (minimal = does not meet assignment guidelines; medium = meets about 75% of the assignment guidelines; very high = meets 95% or above of the assignment guidelines) Minimal Low Medium High Very high
- Suggestions for meeting the assignment guidelines:
- Write final comments to your peer about two of the overall strengths and one overall weakness of the draft.
2 Peer Review Of Audience Analysis