Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:(100 words or more each Colleague)
- Offer an insight you gained from the concepts your colleague learned and/or critical skills they developed throughout the program, including whether their insights could also benefit you in the future.
- Provide additional suggestions for ways in which your colleague can apply their knowledge, skills, experiences, and personal interests and passions to become a more effective change agent.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.
1st Colleague to Respond to:
Three important concepts/skills that I’ve learned during this program are: the importance of strategy, how to market creatively, and understanding how different economics play in to business. In business, the importance of strategy is critical. I’ve learned that it’s not enough to cast a vision and mission for a business but it’s critical to have a strategy on how to achieve that vision and mission. Having a strategy allows a business to establish measurable benchmarks and communicate those timelines with all employees throughout all levels of an organization. Strategy is what helps to achieve organizational success and so understanding these concepts will help as I take progressive leadership roles in the future. Creative marketing is another concept that I learned during this program. A business doesn’t always have to spend a great deal of money to get a good return on their marketing investment. Sometimes free marketing, such as social media strategies done right, provide the best return and ability to attract new customers. While I don’t have a traditional marketing role, I still am asked to provide feedback and thoughts for marketing strategies. Learning marketing strategies during this program has helped me to bring those concepts to my current job. And finally, economics was a big learning factor for me. Understanding the difference between micro and macro economics and how, despite looking at different things, they’re both vital in the success of a business. I know that having this understanding will allow me to make decisions on both a focused and broader scale level which is important to maintain balance in business decisions.
Much of what I learned in this program is relevant to my current role and any progressive leadership roles that I have in the future. From leadership qualities, to finance, to operations, to marketing, to data analysis – all are important pieces to the puzzle and need to be considered within a leadership role. I appreciate Walden’s video that notes that a change agent doesn’t necessarily need to be someone that changes the world. Instead, it can be more focused efforts that, overtime, contribute to positive change. (Walden University LLC, 2021) I would like to think that my passion for developing people, facilitating teamwork, and my goal-oriented approach are all ways that I can be a change agent even at the local level of the unit that I work on. Having a deeper understanding of the concepts learned throughout this program will bring that knowledge in to how I currently operate in a leadership role. It will not only allow me to do my job better and more efficiently but will also allow me to provide some of the education and ‘why’ behind certain decisions are made, which is something I feel particularly passionate about.
Walden University, LLC. (2021). Being an effective change agent [Video]. Walden University Canvas. https://waldenu.instructure.com
2nd Colleague to Respond to:
Three helpful concepts that I have learned throughout my duration in this program are effective leadership methods, sunk costs mentality, and healthy organization culture. Effective Leadership methods meant a lot to me as someone who once had a leader so terrible that it became imperative that I left the job for my own mental health. I believe that the combination of my past experiences of being treated poorly by a bad leader in addition to the knowledge that I have gained in this course, I have become a better leader myself. Additionally, it has shown me that I want to employ servant leadership style.
“The servant leadership style is based on the idea that leaders prioritize serving the greater good. Leaders with this style serve their team and organization first. They don’t prioritize their own objectives. Employees in a servant leadership environment are more likely to feel that their voices are heard.” (Gomez, 2022).
As it relates to sunk costs mentality, I believe that this was a concept that I found the most interesting. Sunk cost is the emotional attachment that people begin to develop with something that they spent money on in the past that will never benefit them or generate revenue in the future. These items end up costing them more money to store and hold on to rather than dispose of. “Sunk costs are important because may act as distractors in decision-making.” (Tuovila, 2022). I have been able to apply this knowledge already by encouraging the disposal of leftover material from jobs with very specific requirements. While this material was more expensive than usual, it is also less likely to ever be used again.
Finally, organizational culture is something that also hit home. It is something that my employer is constantly promoting and encouraging, so it is helpful to fully understand the thought behind it. Many others around my organization do not fully understand it, and in turn can be a little resistant to adopting it into their lifestyle. I intended to be an effective change agent by reminding them of how important healthy organizational culture is for efficiency, morale, and employee retention.
Gomez, A. L. (2022, July 18). Servant leadership: Definition plus benefits and drawbacks. Servant Leadership: Definition Plus Benefits and Drawbacks. Retrieved February 25, 2023, from https://www.betterup.com/blog/servant-leadership-what-makes-it-different#:~:text=The%20servant%20leadership%20style%20is,that%20their%20voices%20are%20heard.
Tuovila, A. (2022, August 9). What is a sunk cost-and the sunk cost fallacy? Investopedia. Retrieved February 25, 2023, from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sunkcost.asp