Writing guidelines
In order to get full points on this assignment make sure to do the following: 1) Follow the word count; 2) proofread and have someone else proofread it; 3) cite sources in-text and 4) include an APA reference list. Final Project should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point standard font, with 1-inch margins.
Writing should be professional and use APA guidelines for citations, grammar and mechanics.
Please provide an APA reference list for at the end, do your best with videos and websites.
Here is the APA link for how to cite electronic sources
This one helps for confusion of citations
Students are expected to do their own work. Please review the universitys guidelines on plagiarism
Part 1 Application (10 points)
Research and explain a topic/issue relevant to a specific period of child and youth development such as stereotype threat in adolescents that was discussed in the course.
Research best practices and strategies designed to address the topic
Minimum 250 words
Part 2 Media Entries (50 points)
Develop two media entries (Each media entry is worth 25 points)
Watch these two TedTalks
For each media entry
o Insert a screenshot of the media and provide the source, date of publication and how it relates to the concepts or theories from the materials in this course. Use in text citations.
o Then identify the topic/issue that the media piece illustrates and reflect on the connection using your course materials to describe the relationship. Use in text citations.
o Minimum 300 words per media entry
Part 3 Reflection (40 points)
Write a minimum 500-word reflection on how your understanding of child and youth development has changed throughout this course.
Did you have any previous assumptions that were changed or challenged during this course?
What are the big takeaways you learned?
Reflect on how you will apply what you have learned in this class to working with children and youth. (Address at least 3 topics that we covered during this course specifically and draw on discussion posts and worksheets in your reflection)
This reflection should follow the above writing guidelines and should include direct APA citations to course content or readings.