Getting Started

Advancement of technology, an aging workforce, and a decrease in available resources all raise the potential for conflict among healthcare providers.  Too little conflict may result in organizational stasis.  Too much conflict reduces the effectiveness of an organization and eventually renders its employees unproductive and dissatisfied.  Conflict, when managed effectively, can be a useful tool for building relationships and precipitating needed changes in the workplace.

Nurse leaders are in a unique role to implement strategies to address unprofessional and uncivil action.  The ability to coach for improved behavior and follow established policies promotes a safe and respectful work environment that retains satisfied caregivers.  You will explore your own approaches to conflict and identify effective techniques for promoting a culture where conflict management is successful and workplace violence is prevented.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Analyze conflict-management techniques that prevent workplace violence.


  • Textbook: Leading and Managing in Nursing
  • File: Conflict Self-Assessment.pdf


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In your textbook, Leading and Managing in Nursing, read:
    1. Chapter 8, Communication and Conflict
    2. Chapter 25, Managing Personal/Personnel Problems
  3. Download and complete the  found on page 130 of the Yoder-Wise textbook.  After completing the survey, tally, total, and reflect on your scores for each of the five approaches. (Onsite students will complete the Conflict Self-Assessment in class.)
  4. Compose a two to three-page self-reflection essay (in addition to cover page and reference page) that analyzes your approach to conflict resolution and addresses the following: (Onsite students will come prepared to discuss the following in class in addition to submitting the written self-reflection essay.)
    1. According to your self-assessment, which conflict approach do you prefer?  Which do you use the least?  What factors determine if you respond in a specific manner?  When considering the types of conflicts you have, what are the strengths and weaknesses of your preferred conflict-management style?
    2. Identify one common personnel problem that requires intervention from the nurse manager. Discuss effective strategies that as a nurse leader you would take in addressing the identified problem.
    3. A high percentage of nurses report having experienced incivility.  What specific steps can a nurse manager take with his/her staff members to reduce incivility in the workplace?
  5. Cite and reference a minimum of two current scholarly sources. One source may be your textbook.
  6. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Assignment submission page by the end of the workshop.


4.3 Assignment: Managing Conflict
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