Professional Standards 

 Guided Response: Professional development can cross programs. For example, has sessions that would address all programs. Is this a conference you would like to add to your list? Review your classmates choices, and respond to at least two who have shared at least one professional development opportunity that compliments your field of study. Explain why their choice is of interest to you and how it fits with your own professional development plan. 



Identify your chosen standard(s)- NAEYC standard 2: Curriculum 

Explain why this Professional Standard is interesting to you- I have always been very interested in curriculum, planning, and development. I would like to possibly obtain my Masters in Curriculum and possibly be an Instructional Coordinator.

Research and find a conference in your field of study that you would want to attend- Region 14 (who I do my alternative certification through) is hosting a Curriculum and planning retreat this summer for returning teachers. 

Research and share one continuing education opportunity- Masters in Education from UAGC had interested me. A lot. I am not sure if I want to start working this fall teaching, or pursue my Masters now. 

Research and include one publication (journal, book, etc.) that supports your learning and growth is this area. Could you start a book club with this title?- Contemporary Issues in Curriculum link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0133259978/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_TJSV5KV83A560203T8J4 

I believe I could do a large study group within a campus based on this material. 

Research a choice of your own.



Identify your chosen standard(s)

NAEYC Program Standards/Standard 3: Teaching

Explain why this Professional Standard is interesting to you

This professional standard is interesting for me since it explains the appropriate and effective teaching approaches. 

Research and find a conference in your field of study that you would want to attend.

ICCSCD 2021: 15. International Conference on Cognitive Stages for Child Development

June 03-04, 2021 in New York, United States


Research and share one continuing education opportunity. (Masters, edX, 2nd language, certification).

Since my degree is in Child Development, I want to continue my education by obtaining my Masters in Child Development, but the issue is that The University of Arizona Global Campus does not have this master’s program. I found Capella University has the Master’s program for Child and Adolescent Development.

Research and include one publication (journal, book, etc.) that supports your learning and growth is this area. Could you start a book club with this title?

Normal Child and Adolescent Development : A Psychodynamic Primer

Karen J. Gilmore and Pamela MeersandYes, I could start a book club with this title. This book looks very interesting.


Gilmore, K. J. Meersand, P. (2013). Normal Child and Adolescent Development: A Psychodynamic Primer. American Psychiatric Publishing.  

NAEYC. (n.d.). The 10 NAEYC program standards.

 Program and Course Reflection 

 Guided Response: Post responses to at least two classmates. Provide suggestions and/or resources for peers to support their plans for staying competent or achieving competency with each Course Learning Outcome as well as their respective fields. 



Hello class,

PLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of child development principles, including cognitive, language, physical, and affective domains, in creating environments that are healthy, supportive, and challenging for children- I feel I have learned so much through the classes about child development and use this information every day in my job. This has supported me in every aspect of my job when it comes to planning, teaching, and even documentation.  I feel like I am competent in this outcome because I have learned a lot in my classes and use this information every day in my job.

PLO 2: Analyze the influence and impact of families and communities on a childs learning and development- In the training, I have received in school I feel it has helped me to make better connections with the families and the community to help build children learning and development. I do feel competent in this area because my classes I have taken have helped me build stronger relationships with my families and children and the community.

PLO 3: Design and assess developmentally appropriate strategies and programs promoting positive development and learning for children- I feel my education in my classes has helped me repair for this standard. It helps me teach in different ways to meet the need of every child’s potential. I feel my classes gave me the knowledge to treat each child equally and help them achieve their goals.

PLO 4: Identify components of personnel management in the recruiting, hiring, and maintenance of staff in quality child care settings-My classes have thought me the information I need to achieve this standard. It helps me professionally and has a great work ethic to support my child care center. I feel with my experience and training I am well versed in this standard.

PLO 5: Demonstrate knowledge of fiscal, legal, ethical, and program requirements in quality child care settings.-With the training, I have received in my classes I have learned a lot. It has helped me to be a better lead teacher and help others. It has also given me more knowledge of the NAYCE standards in early childhood education. I feel well versed in this information because we covered them in many classes. 

CLO for Edu499,

  • Synthesize theories, knowledge, and professional standards related to the field of study.-My classes and training have thought me about the standards. I use these every day when I solve problems in my classroom. I feel well versed in them because we have studied them in many classes
  • Assess multiple influences such as social and cultural factors, contemporary issues, and trends on practice.-I feel my training has helped me a lot especially when it comes to cultural training. I feel I include culture in many of the things I do and plan because of my training. It made me realize how often I was not. doing it. I do feel more aware of these issues and cultural factors but also know things are always changing so I need to keep up on my training and then new things happening in the ECE world. 
  • Apply evidence-based strategies, approaches, and technologies related to the field of study.- I feel working in class with the children I can always search for ways to make it better. A different way of teaching a skill. I think searching for new strategies will keep me on top of teaching. I feel prepared for this learning standard from all the things I have learned in school.
  • Explain environments that support optimal outcomes to the field of study.-I also feel like I have learned a lot about environments. My classes have taught me how to be more conscious in how I set up my classroom making sure everything is developmentally appropriate for my children and culture inviting to create an environment for everyone to feel safe and welcome. I feel this is one of the easier standards that I am well prepared for because I have learned so much.
  • Propose professional and ethical-based practices that emphasize access, participation, and partnerships-I know how important building relationships are with families the children, and the community. I use what I learn every day when having discussions with parents. I fell well prepared for this standard through all the education and practice I have had building these relationships with people. 



Degree Program: Education Studies

PLO 1: Design effective curriculum, instruction and assessment to meet the needs of diverse learners

This is one of the cornerstones of my teaching philosophy that I should be able to adapt material and differentiate content to reach students where they are in their readiness level. I frequently use what I have learned in my classes within my school to best support diverse learners. I feel largely confident in my abilities here, as the student successes show, but I can certainly stand to learn more about differentiation, planning and curriculum building as I mature as a teacher.

PLO 2: Demonstrate knowledge of child and adolescent development in the cognitive, social, physical, and emotional domains

It will be critical for me to be mindful of what is developmentally appropriate for my students as I move forward. I have learned an overview of developmental milestones and benchmarks and have been given the resources to find out more information as I need it. This is something I try to stay aware of in my classroom, though, as I mentioned in our last discussion post, I would like to have this better internalized so that the awareness comes as second nature.

PLO 3: Identify the unique needs of special learners and adapt curriculum and instruction to meet these needs

One of my favorite classes was about differentiating for students with special needs – from ELLs to disabilities to learning delays, I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about how to modify my content to reach students where they are. As an international teacher, this has been especially valuable in giving me strategies for making lessons more inclusive. I feel confident in my ability to support these students because I have a strong desire to know more and keep every student included in everything we do in the classroom.

PLO 4: Apply alignment practices of standards, instruction and assessment to identified academic, district and state standards, goals and priorities as part of the planning and material selection process

I feel very passionately about making sure my content is designed to help students meet academic and developmental goals. I also believe strongly that it is my job to make sure my students are being progressively prepared to enter the next grade level. However, I do not have a lot of experience in this yet, as I have not been a lead teacher. I have an understanding of what needs to be done but I havent put this into practice. I feel more confident in vertical alignment because I do work every day to prepare students for next year. However, in such as small school, there is no opportunity for horizontal alignment with only one class at each grade level. I may one day find myself in a much larger school so I hope to be ready!

PLO 5: Apply foundational research skills to a topic of interest in an area of education

My favorite paper I ever wrote was on the topic of Learning Through Play vs Direct Instruction and trying to find a proper balance between the two for early education. I entered the process believing that more direct instruction was needed at this age and prepared to argue this point but the research I conducted didnt bear this out. I have become convinced that my initial viewpoint was flawed and this shows me that continuing to challenge my beliefs will only make me a better educator. I feel very confident in my ability to do this because of my natural internal competitiveness and desire to learn new things.

CLO1: Synthesize theories, knowledge and professional standards related to the field of study.

What this class really taught me was how many different approaches there are to working in education and that my degree program is interpreted differently by the university than it is by employers in my field. I would never have considered a position like an Activities Coordinator to be the job anyone most closely related with my degree as it is largely viewed as employers as a broad teaching umbrella. However, I was able to look more deeply at professional standards and relate them to myself in a way that will only be beneficial. Because of this asynchrony between my understanding and this courses I do not feel confident that I fully understand what the university was expecting me to know but I am comforted by the fact that I was able to obtain employment exactly the way I thought I would.

CLO2: Assess multiple influences such as social and cultural factors, contemporary issues, and trends on practice.

This is an incredibly important component of my education and will always be relevant to my success as a teacher. I feel that this was covered briefly during Part 1 of our Workshop assignment. I needed to evaluate the different clients served by the Multigenerational Center and design a workshop that was based on a current theory (for me, growth mindset.) This was a useful exercise.  However, I would credit my confidence in this area to previous courses, as this was not really a primary focus in EDU 499.

CLO3: Apply evidence-based strategies, approaches, and technologies related to the field of study.

I have discussed many of these things throughout discussion posts and during my creating of the workshop presentation. Making sure I have approaches that are based in evidence will help to ensure that I am giving my students the best information in the best way for their success. I feel like I simply need more information myself on what is the most up-to-date strategies and I will only be able to do this by continuing my own education.

CLO4: Explain environments that support optimal outcomes to the field of study.

It is critical to understand the way my classroom should be designed in order to promote learning and reduce classroom disruptions. I have done many classroom designs in other courses that have helped me have a strong vision of what I would like to see in my classroom. Unfortunately, again due to the asynchrony of the courses requirements versus my actual practice with my degree, I was not able to explore this within this course. I enjoyed designing a workspace for an Activities Coordinator but, as this is not a position I would ever pursue and bears no resemblance to my actual career path as a classroom teacher, I was not able to gain any new insights.

CLO5: Propose professional and ethical based practices that emphasize access, participation, and partnerships.

I will face many conflicts and ethical dilemmas as I move forward with my career. I have already experienced many of these and I am not yet responsible for a classroom. Gaining insights from others in my field will be critical in helping me navigate these situations. Allowing us to share dilemmas was valuable, as I was able to see how others would approach this situation. This is an outcome I feel less confident managing. I know what the right and ethical thing to do is in any situation but the balancing of the interests of a private school against what is the right thing sometimes doesnt work out. I need to grow more assertive in order to stand up in moments of conflict for what I believe in.


4 peer responses – due in 20 hours
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