2. How did Buddhism find its way to China? Why do you think this outside belief was so readily accepted into Chinese society? How was Buddhism integrated into China?
How did Buddhism find its way to China? Why do you think this outside belief was so readily accepted into Chinese society? How was Buddhism integrated into China
Buddhism was initially introduced into China when Buddhist missionaries entered china through India by way of the silk roads and maritime trading routes. Historian have theorized that Buddhism spread so rapidly within china was because it met some sort of spiritual need while there was turbulence occurring within the country. The reading states that with the constant warfare and political changes, what Buddhism was offering would provide stability and offered an explanation as to why they were suffering as well as offered a path forward to enlightenment. This is no different than people finding solace in Christianity in todays world when they are looking for explanations or even when looking for hope. It was also very similar to Taoism and the two religions shared some of the same beliefs and even “borrow” beliefs from the other religion. Because they were using each others beliefs, Taoism is also how Buddhism was integrated into Chinese society. Politicians also used Buddhism in their favor. This was more to make themselves look better in the eyes of the people (much like today.) Buddhists also asked for blessings. During prayer and offering was made and Buddhists then asked for blessings in return which was appealing to them.