Hello All, the three foundational principles of the Universal Design of Learning are engagement, representation, and action and expression. Each of these components contribute to cultivating an inclusive environment in which students are well-equipped to tackle day to day tasks and lessons. The aim is to lesson or completely remove obstacles students typically encounter throughout the learning process. Essentially, offering an equal platform for purposeful delivery of content as well as critical thinking applications. Collaboration through pair and group work enhances meaningful dialogue and connection building, driving perseverance and confidence. Fundamentally, the UDL provides attainable, achievable, realistic, productive, results.

 A S

Hello Class, 

After reviewing the UDL website, I noted that the guidelines are engagement, representation, action, and engagement. I feel that employing these principles in lesson planning can help increase the achievement of Ells by making sure all students feel welcomed, safe, and appreciated. Making sure that students are able to dedicate their focus to the lesson at hand and all other distractions are set aside can increase students’ academic achievement. I also feel that through the implementation of these guidelines, teachers are able to better alter the lesson plans to fit the needs of the students. 

 M G

The principles of UDL or Universal Design for Learning is a design to minimize barriers and maximize learning for all types of learners. When considering UDL, the term is simply within its name, universal which can be understood by everyone and provide learning opportunities for all students. When applying the UDL principles, educators must keep in mind when lesson planning what their goal is, what are the barriers and how to eliminate the barriers. Furthermore, when designing a lesson plan, teachers must show the information/content in different ways, allow students to show what they know in different ways, and options to engage every student in order to keep their interest. For example, when designing a lesson-the multiple means of representation category simply means to show content in different ways such as using graphic organizers, animation, highlighting key details, or activating background knowledge. Next, teachers must provide a multiple mean of action and expression by allowing students to express what they know through modeling and feedback. Finally, teachers must also provide multiple means of expression by allowing students options to discover the content themselves. In this opportunity, it is most certainly important to consider that not all students will be engaged the same way, therefore by ensuring there are options, this will allow each student to succeed in the learning goal/s.


CAST. (6 January 2010). UDL at a Glance [Video File]. YouTube. Retrieved from


 A H

Assessment data can effectively inform lesson planning because it helps all how works with the children to know where they are as far as prior knowledge and what skills are already established so that it can be built on or in ways be corrected. This can be interesting because it may be hard to establish your standards, learning objectives, and content objectives as a teacher when it involves ELL students. First, the child may not understand you when teaching the content let alone explain where the lesson is heading. The student’s background knowledge varies between students. It would definitely be interesting to see what the child understands when given based on the level of background knowledge. you may have to start on a level that is below what’s expected. 

 D F

In a first grade class that I have observed in many times a group of teachers have shown how assessment data can be very useful. Each week students take an assessment and based on their results are put in one of three groups. There is the highest level which contains students who are beyond their grade in reading and writing. The middle group consists of students who are at grade level for reading and writing. The lowest group are students who need intensive work to get to grade level. The lowest level uses a program called 95 Percent and teaches specific lessons in phonics. Based on the test results the teacher will take the week to focus on these students weaknesses. She looks to the program for ideas and lessons that will address the students needs. I asked the teacher what kind of results she has seen from this pattern and program. She explained that many students ended up in the highest level by the end of the year and some remained in the at grade level. This strategy has been very effective in helping students reach higher levels of understanding and comprehension in their reading and writing skills.

What I found interesting is that the group that needed help was the smallest. That is a factor that really helped this strategy work. It helped the teachers identify needs and have the ability to really work in specific areas for a few students. This teacher also had student observers who were able to work with the higher level kids which again freed up her time to focus on specific needs of the students in her group.

 T C

Going off of my most recent observations, assessment data is important to keep track of for the administrators, teachers, parents and students. What assessment data does it that it keeps track of academic growth or any other changes regarding the student. For teachers this information can help them avoid any triggers the student may have and can help teachers detect any delays or anything out of the students norm. Keeping this information helps the teacher set appropriate goals based of off where the student currently stands. It allows teachers to create lesson plans more effectively by creating them with just enough challenge for academic growth. What I found interesting is that this approach sounds like it singles out individuals, but this actually helps all students in the classroom by being so versatile.


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