Write the mini Review article on “Effects of admixture and gene flow ‘migration’ and the lack of population structure on the allele frequencies and genotypic distribution in the Arab Gulf countries keywords should include (Allele frequencies, Admixture, Population Genetics; Gene flow; Gulf countries; Saudi Arabia)
– Words are not less than 500 words.
– Accepted plagiarism (<15%).
– References’ section should be added in Alphabets by use endnote or Mendeley h
keywords should include (Allele frequencies, Admixture, Population Genetics; Gene flow; Gulf countries; Saudi Arabia)
– Words are not less than 500 words.
– Accepted plagiarism (<15%).
– References’ section should be added in Alphabets by use endnote or Mendeley
i upload some articles maybe help
you can use any articles related to my subject
mini Review article (500 words)