At least 2 literary devices must be used in the poem.
4 specific terms from World War I should be included (these terms have to be highlighted in the poem).
3 stanzas of 5 lines each.
Mood defined: feelings evoked in the reader; the atmosphere of a literary piece. The mood of the poem needs to be examined in the written analysis and consistent with the modernist style. (Mood examples: calm, energetic, angry, apathetic, irritated, and restless).
One page analysis of the poem that identifies the speaker (or speakers), the World War I terms, context or setting of poem, literary devices employed, and mood of the poem. This analysis should be broken up into separate paragraphs for each stanza and reference specific words and lines from the poem in an organized and understandable way.
It has to be a poem and it has to be about world war 1