Assignment Content
- Consider a large health clinic with a dozen doctors and approximately 80 nurses and support staff. The building houses a small computer room with 4 servers to support the clinics patient database, email services, file storage and medical applications and all laptops and desktops have a specialized medical client application and are encrypted with licensed full disk encryption software. As an IT consultant supporting this clinic, you need to develop part of a Disaster Recovery plan covering 4 keys areas.
You need to specifically address how to quickly accomplish the following to enable operations within 24-48 hours:
- An alternate location to operate from
- Replacement of damaged/lost servers, workstations and laptops and business applications installed on them.
- Backup, Security and Restoration of office and patient information
- Methods of communicating with staff during the disaster
- Be sure to be proactive in your plan, that is what a plan is for.
Wk 4 – Apply: Disaster Recovery Plan