
Conduct a management SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis on your personal effectiveness on the managerial level of an organization. Do this by identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a manager, as well as the opportunities that you can take advantage of to make you a stronger manager, and threats that are currently impeding your growth as a manager, or prior threats that plagued your management progress. This is your personal SWOT. Do not conduct a SWOT analysis on an organization. Research SWOT Analysis from scholarly literature to get a full understanding, which is not available from the management text. Strengths and Opportunities are not the same, and do not have the same origin. Weaknesses and threats are not the same and are not similar. Use the results of one or more management self-assessment tests as a base to discover your SWOT.

Various tests can be found online. has an excellent series of management assessment tests. State the title of the test, the purpose of the test, your actual score, and the interpretation of the score. Be sure to focus on the management aspects of the test if the test is based on personality, psychology or other unit of analysis. Do not use a leadership assessment test. Discuss whether or not you agree with the results of the management test assessment.

Apply biblical integration by documenting what the Bible says about each personal SWOT factor which are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Present your SWOT analysis in essay format, not in a graph, diagram or chart. Key words required to include: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (At least 300 words in this SWOT section).

TOWS Matrix:
Develop strategies to improve your managerial effectiveness by creating a TOWS Matrix from the results of your SWOT Analysis. This should be your personal TOWS matrix, not a TOWS matrix for an organization. You must present at least 1 real-life personal strategy for implementation in each of these 4 types of strategies: SO strategy/ WO strategy / ST strategy / WT strategy.  Be sure to state what factors (S/W/O/T) you are matching and the resulting strategy that you propose from that matching. As an example, state that you are matching your planning strength with a specific threat (ST), then state a strategy that would result from this combination.  Research TOWS Matrix from scholarly literature to get a full understanding, which is not available from the management text. Apply biblical integration by documenting what the Bible says about personal strategies. Present your TOWS matrix strategies in essay format, not in a graph, diagram or chart. (At least 400 words in this TOWS section)
Required Headings

Cover page with Topic Title

SWOT Analysis

(in this section identify your management strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats in at least 300 words)





TOWS Matrix Strategies 

(in this section provide examples of your management SO/WO/ST/WT strategies in at least 400 words)

    SO Strategy

    WO Strategy

    ST Strategy

    WT Strategy



SWOT Analysis
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