Discussion board reply 300 words min each with two apa sources and Bible quote:

Reply 1
In the article 5 Strategies For Improving Healthcare Efficiency I found the strategies listed extremely helpful and I feel they would be very productive if added to any health care organization. The first on is to make sure you have well trained doctors and nurses. When you have well trained nurses and doctors, you have a valuable corps of healthcare workers who are capable of handling the most complex tasks (Hope 2019). Second was underscore patient safety meaning reducing error and gaining patient trust. Third was eliminate redundancies and I would explain this as lessen wait times for ER and discharges. A moments delay could mean a loss of life, so its important for clinics and hospitals to maintain a steady workflow and shorten queues by getting rid of duplicate date (Hope 2019). Fourth was improving communication across departments. Many patients have multiple issues, and multiple doctors. That said, its important for doctors treating the same patient to establish proper communication using technology thats geared towards enhancing collaboration and reducing the ricks of errors(Hope 2019). Lastly, was creating a better system for decision making. Having meetings to ensure everyone is on the same page from all departments. As well as emails anytime something has changed that will affect your department.  I feel like any issues can be solved in life if you first determine the issue and go from there. The first step in solving any problem is to define the proper goal( Lee, T. & Porter, M. 2013). If you value something it is worth the conversation and meeting it takes to get everyone aligned. Failure to improve value means, well, failure(Lee, T. & Porter, M. 2013). Teamwork is needed if everyone brings with they have learned over the years creating a better work environment is possible. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of Gods varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).

Reply 2

          Employee productivity is one aspect of business that keeps an organization operational. There are many reasons why an employees productivity decreases. These could be from poor work ethic to burnout within their career. Strategically the Human Resources departments have to come up with different plans to continue promoting a productive workday. One way that businesses stay relevant is by way of advertising. Within healthcare, small private healthcare providers stay open through word of mouth. When patients report back to their friends and family about quality care then it causes more patients to investigate what all the good hype is about. This causes an increase in revenue as there is an increase in patients which secures employment for the hard workers. With the continued interest, the company is able to sit down and develop a plan for how they would like to move forward in the future as strategic objectives measure what future action will be taken by the organization (Niles, 2020).
            Another strategic method would be to redesign the office. Research shows that opening the office floor plan saves the company money due to not purchasing partition walls for cubicles. Utilizing this tactic also has proven to decrease employee satisfaction, attention to detail, and productivity which causes the need to build cubicles for individual (Yunus & Ernawati, 2018). Along the same idea of redesign, many companies are having to reinvent themselves through the implementation of technology. Previously healthcare providers were having to bounce back and forth between updated printed books and paper charts to ensure that they were providing beneficial care to their patients that would not end up in adverse reactions. Todays technology with the electronic health record (EHR) allows for technicians and providers alike to search databases faster and more efficiently which allows for greater productivity within the treatment setting (Oliver, 2018).
            Oftentimes metrics are developed to quantify measurable data. These benchmarks allow for upper management to see the level of productivity within the company which holds employees to a standard to meet or exceed that bar. Ephesians 4:28 (ESV) is often spoken by my pastor when he speaks about stealing time and money from our employers. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. By having these performance metrics, employees know what the expectations are and are expected to utilize their time wisely while not stealing time and money from the company through wasteful actions.


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