Select a department in a city that has a history of “excessive use of force.” You have been asked to present a powerpoint on “one de-escalation training strategy.” Research what is currently in practice and present (always give credit) that information in 10 – 14 point slides.
Instructions for PowerPoint Presentation:
- Cover Page (1 slide)
- General history of the problem – college library – (1 slide)
- Examples of problem – Research newspapers – (1-2 slide)
- De-escalation training componients (2-3 slide)
- Solution(s) (2 slide)
- Examples of a solution – Research newspaper of other successful departments implementation (1-2 slide)
- Data that supports solutions – college library (1 slide)
- Summary (1 slide)
- Video Reinforcement – YouTube Video that touches on your topic. If necessary, state starting points in minutes (1 slide).
- References – no less than 5 sources (1 slide)
Key Points:
- State your thesis statement, position, problem in the second slide (Explain the historical situation).
- You must write clearly and concisely and write in bullet points.
- Your font must be Times New Roman 14 to 18 points. Titles should be between 18 to 24 points in size.
- Between 8-14 images are required. Cite where your images are coming from in 4 point font underneath images.
- References must be in APA format.
one de-escalation training strategy.