In this assignment, you will observe three children using the attached videos (one for each age group).

  1. Read and review this Assignment Guide and the Observing Development Grading Rubric before beginning.
  2.  Choose three children of different ages to observe. The children should be between 0 and 35 months old.
    1. Child 1 must be less than 12 months old.
    2. Child 2 must be between 13 and 23 months old.
    3. Child 3 must be between 24 and 35 months old.
  3. Seek permission from the center director, teacher, or parent to observe each child. You must observe each child for a minimum of 45 minutes while they are NOT sleeping.
    1. You may observe the children in any approved environment, including a child care setting or in the childs home. Schedule a time to observe that works well for all involved.
  4. Prior to observing the children, you will also need to select one or more developmental checklists. Select at least one checklist for each child you plan to observe. Be sure to note the age range covered by the checklist to ensure it is appropriate for the child. You may choose to use more than one checklist for each child, and you do not need to use the same checklist for all children you observe.
    1. (opens in a new window)
      Under the heading Resources by age you can click on each item 0-3 months, 4-6 months and so on.
    2. (opens in a new window)
    3. (opens in a new window)
  5. During your observation, take anecdotal notes using the “Narrative Observation Sheet.” Your notes on the Narrative Observation Sheet must be objective, not subjective. Record what you see and hear. Do not include subjective comments, your opinion, or recommendations on the Narrative Observations Sheet.
    1. Example of an objective statement: The boy in the red coat looked up and smiled. He then picked up the spoon with his right hand and began eating his applesauce. He said, Im so hungry!
    2. Example of a subjective statement: The boy was happy because he liked applesauce, so he ate some.
  6. After your observation, compare your notes from the Narrative Observation Sheet to the developmental checklist(s) and the information in your textbooks and module readings. Then, using that information, write a 3 to 5 paragraph summary for EACH child discussing the developmental characteristics of the child. In your summary paragraphs you should:
    1. Note and developmental milestones/characteristics observed and whether what you saw was typical or atypical for the age of the child.
    2. Identify strengths or areas for improvement in the domains you observed.
    3. Connect what you observed with your prior experience and knowledge, including what you have learned in this course and any information you received about the child from a parent, teacher, or another adult.
  7. Cite your sources appropriately using APA format and include them in a reference list at the end of your summary paragraphs. APA format help can be found in a variety of places but I find the Purdue OWL site to be very helpful.

Your audience for this assignment is both families, parents, and caregivers of the children as well as early childhood professionals, such as speech-language pathologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and behavioral therapists.The following four (4) files will need to be submitted:

  • Three (3) Narrative Observation Sheets (one for each child). You will have to scan each of these and then save them as PDF files so you can submit them electronically.
  • One (1) file that includes summaries for all three children (2 to 3 paragraphs per child). Any references used should be included after the summaries in APA reference format.

Grading Criteria:  Your assignment submission will be evaluated using this rubric:  Click for more options(opens in a new download window)
Resources:  In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will need to utilize all resources.

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Formatting Requirements

  • Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title at the top of the document.
  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Use double line spacing in the document

If the assignment is done incorrectly I will dispute the fee. Please ensure you utilize all resources.


Observing Development
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