Risk Management and Business Continuity
Complete the readings this week as well as reviewing the IT Strategic Plan, Part 2 assignment and the IHS Risk Management Guide (from Week 3 course content) before completing this weeks discussion.
This discussion is to help prepare you for the ITSP, Part 2 assignment. The concepts being discussed here relate to risk management and business continuity planning from the business perspective. In your ITSP Part 2 assignment you will discuss these topics from an IT perspective. Provide a response to one of the following:
- Referring to the ITSP, Part 2 assignment #4 and the GGFRT case study, you will identify some risks that the CIO needs to consider. For this discussion, we will focus on risks that the business should be concerned with. Apply what you know about the business environment and come up with and explain 3 risks related to the business environment (not IT-related risks). Explain what impact the risk has on the business, how likely it is to occur, and how it can be prevented or mitigated.
- Referring to the ITSP, Part 2 assignment #5 and the GGFRT case study, regarding developing a business continuity plan for GGFRT, the first step is to identify the essential business processes that sustain ongoing operations of GGFRT. Reviewing the case study, identify 3 essential business processes. Explain how these processes (not systems) could continue in the event of a disaster that makes their IT systems and their current buildings unavailable.