The main point of this paper is to do part two an evaluation  proposal I attached part one and the corrects that were made to it by the prof now I need part two. I also attached the paper that I wrote last year and the places I would like the references to be from are attached below please only use this link for references.

Research Question: Research Question: What Are the Similarities and Differences in How Boys and Girls Experience the Strong Youth Program?

What to do:

Part 2. Study design and sampling methods (due Week 9) The study design for your evaluation should indicate what type of evaluation you are conducting (single-case, program evaluation, etc.) and whether you are using a quantitative, qualitative or mixed method approach to the research. Indicate what the study design is for the evaluation. This section should also include your sampling methods. What is your study population and how are you going to be sampling in order to reach your final study sample? Why did you choose the sampling methods that you did? How/why are they appropriate for your study design? This section will be graded on how clearly you explain the design description; the relevance of design to your research question; and the appropriateness of sampling approach to the type research and research question that you are proposing. Remember that you need to use proper APA formatting for your citations, in-text and in the reference list. Please remember that you have the Rubin and Babbie book as a resource, that Appendix B in the Rubin and Babbie book has additional guidance on writing research proposals, and that the literature that you included in the literature review often serves as a source of examples and models of how researchers write about design and sampling about your topic. Part 2 will receive up to 10 points when first submitted on Week 9. It will receive up to an additional 10 points as part of the final project submitted at the end of the semester.

Part 2: Study design and sampling methods, 1 page

I have also attached the page from the book.


Evaluation Proposal Part Two
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