To prepare:
- Imagine that you are a law enforcement officer tasked with addressing your community about an increase in a type of crime. Your Instructor will assign you to one of the following crime types:
- Burglary during the summer months
- Online identify theft
- Aggravated assault near subway stops
- Reflect on how you would address and educate your audience about the criminal opportunity that has been presented due to certain actions in the community.
Write a response to the following, written as if your audience is your community:
- Explain how victims in your community may contribute to opportunity for the crime type you were assigned.
- Explain how this relates to the concept of victim responsibility but differs from victim blaming.
- Support your explanations by referencing this weeks learning resources and explaining how certain concepts related to victim and offender responsibility apply.
References must come from:
-Karmen, A. (2020). Crime victims: An introduction to victimology (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
- Chapter 5, The Ongoing Controversy over Shared Responsibility (pp. 146199)
- Chapter 7, Victims Rights and the Criminal Justice System (pp. 231272)
-And 2 other references of your choice
3-4 paragraphs Needed