The individual case analysis you have to prepare in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the present course is Case # 12 (Chipotle), starting on page C-120 of our textbook. Make sure to obtain the correct edition of the textbook (22nd ed.) to get access to the correct case. 

Instructions for this assignment are provided in week 7 module (see assignment 7.4) when the assignment is due. If you are unable to address some of the issues in the case analysis outline using the information in the case, you are expected to go outside of the scope of the case to identify the relevant information.


Thompson, A., Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., & Strickland, A. J., III. (2020). Crafting andexecutingstrategy:Thequestforcompetitiveadvantage.Conceptsandcases(22nded.).NewYork:McGraw-HillEducation.

Individual Case Analysis 

Associated Objectives

Apply external and internal analysis tools to conduct a SWOT analysis

Appraise a companys diversification strategy

Assess a companys competitive strategy and the strength of its competitive position

Identify the types of entry modes and international strategies for international expansion

Examine what managers must do to execute strategy successfully

Identify how the continuous building and upgrading of the organizations resources and capabilities relates to successfully implementing the organizations strategy

Assessment Case

To complete this assignment, you will use the information in the case that your instructor assigned. If you think that the information in the case is not sufficient to address all aspects of what you are asked to complete, you are encouraged to go outside of the scope of the case and conduct your own research. Make sure to cite all the sources you use (including the case) within and at the end of your strategic plan.

Your project must be 3500-4000 words in length.

Cite all your sources. Use APA citations.


  • 1. Introduction summarize      what the assignment is about and what the reader should expect to learn      from the work you have accomplished
  • 2. Company profile
    • Name
    • Background (describe what the company does and offers)
    • Industry (as defined by the case)
    • Revenue/Profitability (last 5  years)
    • Company size (e.g., number of  employees or sales)
  • 3. Analysis
    • Business model (customer value proposition and business formula)
    • Vision, Mission, Values
    • External analysis
      • Macro-environment
      • Porters 5 forces
      • Overall opportunities and threats (2 of each)
    • Internal analysis
      • Ratio analysis (current strategic effectiveness)
      • Core competencies
      • VRIN resources and capabilities
      • (Sustained) Competitive advantages
      • Value-chain analysis (3-5 functions)
      • Overall strengths and weaknesses (2 of each)
  • 4. Corporate/diversification strategies
    • Discuss the companys corporate/diversification strategy and its effectiveness
  • 5. Business/Competitive Strategies
    • Discuss the companys business/competitive strategy and its effectiveness
  • 6. International Strategies
    • Discuss the companys international strategies and entry modes and their effectiveness. If the company does not have foreign operations, propose a scenario discussing       the appropriate strategies and modes for international expansion.
  • 7. Ethics, CSR, and sustainability
    • How well the company measures up against the competition on these criteria
  • 8. Organizational Structure
    • Discuss important structural issues that pertain to your organization (e.g., type of organizational structure, span of control, corporate governance, etc.)
  • 9. Key Issues and Problems
    • Based on your assessment of all aspects of the business (Point 1-8), you have to identify 2-3 key problems that the company is facing and/or issues it needs to address
  • 10. Strategic Alternatives
    • Provide at least two strategic  alternatives that can solve the key problems you identified. Each  alternative must be broadly stated and incorporate elements from the       companys corporate and business strategies
  • 11. Evaluation and Selection
    • Using your SWOT analysis, evaluate each alternative. Indicate how each alternative can solve the problems and/or address the issues you have identified. Which of the two       better fits your SWOT? This will be the alternative that you can propose the company to implement. Make sure to explain how the winning alternative better fits your SWOT than the other alternative(s) you have proposes and considered
  • 12. Recommendations
    • Detail the specific steps that  the company has to make to implement the alternative you chose
  • 13. Implementation Issues
    • State what the company should be weary of in relation to pursuing the desired course of action
  • 14. Conclusions
    • Present your final reflections on your work, restating key points from the purpose of the project and your findings.


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