Follow APA outlining format as with the Informative Speech. Make sure you have fully developed each point. In-text citations must match References page.
Introduction: /6
/5 Points
- Attention Getter
- Motivation for Listening
- Establish Credibility
- Thesis Statement
- Preview of Speech (Main points)
/1 Point
Transition to the body of speech
Body: /14
/3 Points
- Establish the Problem
- Analysis (opinion) and research
- Analysis (opinion) and research
- Analysis (opinion) and research
/1 Points
/3 Points
- Establishing Opposing Viewpoints
- Analysis (opinion) and research
- Rebuttal: opinion and research
/1 Points
/4 Points
- Call to Action
- Visualization/Solution how would your plan work?
- Specific plan of action: What can we do? Include your audience.
/2 Points
Transition to conclusion
Conclusion: /3
/3 Points
- Summary of Main Points
- Reiterate Call to Action
- Throwback to Attention Getter
Research Articles: /12
/4 Points
- Research from different types (4-5 minimum)
/4 Points
- APA style and matches to all in-text
/4 Points
- In-text Citations after ALL information in each section
Should homework be banned? Persuasive speech outline