Conduct a modern digital technology forensic investigation to create a comprehensive digital forensic submission for use by law enforcement and legal professionals. Your objective is to provide the final product of the work you planned in the Week 7 Assignment.
Conduct your investigation as follows:
- Retrieve from the Internet or create abridged evidence that can represent the investigation, removing personal identifiable information
- Organize the abridged evidence into appendices that can be used within the results of the investigation
- Extract meaning and a set of logical implications that can provide support to the organizations case
- Provide sample data documenting the processes that would allow the evidence to be admissible
- Provide a persuasive conclusion based on the evidence
- Cite scholarly sources to support the evidence, conclusions, and admissibility
Length: 13 pages (excluding title, reference, and appendices).
Resources: Cite at least 15 recent scholarly peer-reviewed sources
Conduct a Comprehensive Modern Digital Technology Forensic Investigation