NOTE: Remember that your discussion response must include the following:

  1. A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings.
  2. A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.
  3. A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week’s lesson.
  4. Properly formatted in-text citations and references.
  5. Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.


 RE: Communicating effectively

Good morning class,

Computer mediated communication (CMC) is communication occurring through the use of electronic devices (de Janasz, etl. 2015). Effective mediated communication is an important method of communication in the workplace. It’s very important that you communicate clearly and to the point so that the lines of communication can not be misinterpreted. Mcluhan says, “the medium used to send a message is just as important the actual message” (de Janasz, etl. 2015, pg. 143). There have been several times that I have sent an email or a text and it was taken out of context and misinterpreted as being rude. You have to be very careful on how you send your message across. We don’t communicate as well as we think we do. One of the my biggest errors that leads to miscommunication or misinterpretation of  my communications in the past is the use of  unnecessary punctuation and capital letters. There is a big difference between a period and an exclamation mark.  Something so simple  has the potential for yourself to come off as being either friendly or rude. A message is easier to  understand when the sentences are brief and to the point.  I have been told my messages were vague. I am not the only one because according this textbook 60 percent of business correspondence is ineffective of achieving its intended purpose. (de Janasz, etl. 2015, pg.154). After reading this section I have a better understanding of  how on line communication lacks the vibe we get from face to face interaction. Computer based communication doesn’t allow for facial expressions and tone of voice and therefor they are being misinterpreted. In order to make sure your message was received as intended you have to communicate effectively online you must be direct, be clear, consider your audience and pay attention to the receivers (de Janasz, etl. 2015, pg. 143). 

word count 333

References: de Janasz, S., Dowd, K., & Schneider, B. (2018). Interpersonal skills in organizations (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill


RE: Understanding and working with diverse others

Diversity is defined as any attribute relevant to an individual that creates or reinforces a perception that he or she is different from another individual (C., Dowd, & Schneider, 2019). There are two types of diversity; surface-level and deep level. Surface level is as it sounds, these attributes are those that are easy for the eye to see such as a persons gender, age, race, culture and language. Deep level diversity is a little more difficult to identify. These are attributes such as sexual orientation, religion, education, disability, personality and more (C., Dowd, & Schneider, 2019). 

Diversity within the workforce is important because there is a continuous change in population and market needs. As stated in this weeks readings, there are a number of benefits when promoting diversity in the workforce; improving relationships with clients, increasing employee retention, expanding global reach and decreasing employee complaints and litigation (C., Dowd, & Schneider, 2019). 

I grew up in a small town, Hardy Arkansas. I went to an all white school with about 115 students in each grade. It wasnt until I moved to Florida at the age of 17 that I realized how diverse the world actually is. When I started my first job here, at the Publix bakery, I walked into a diverse group of coworkers yet nothing felt strange because I see people as they are the same as me with just different characteristics. I worked with two aerobics, two older ladies, an african man, and women of multiple ages. If anything, the diversity opened my eyes to new knowledge and different ways of doing things. I learned about different cultures and was able to better sympathize with the needs of customers that came from the same backgrounds as my co-workers. 


C., D. J., Dowd, K. O., & Schneider, B. Z. (2019). Interpersonal skills in organizations.(6th Edition). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.


2 response 300 each
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