
Please read all instructions all that is needed is Introduction to a paper following the following guidelines:

Introduction (discussing the global, national, state and local implications of the group policy change and explaining how and why the group selected to focus on this particular policy change. At the end of this section the group should set forth the Groups policy change in brief)

Must Contain and discuss a single specific and detailed change to an existing law.

APA Style in-text citations using external authoritative sources are required

At least one source citation substantively used in each paragraph.

Proper English is required throughout the entire paper.

Must be TWO pages.

LAW to discuss:

EMTALA – Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act

Hard to imagine a world without the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), which went into effect in 1986. This law guarantees emergency health care by requiring healthcare providers to deliver medical services regardless of the patients ability to pay. The law requires caregivers to stabilize the patient and provide treatment until a point that the patient remains stable, such as with injury or during child birth. If the care provider is unable or unwilling to provide such service, the provider must transfer the patient to a capable facility.

If this law were to be changed, we as a group think that instead of transferring a patient to a different facility where care providers are willing to provide a service, all providers must be willing to provide service even though a patient may not be able to pay. As medical care providers, healthcare for all should be the most important aspect of healthcare so the policy change should be to provider medical service regardless of the ability to pay when all the financial dealings can be done at a later time. 

I think that the law policy should be changed so that hospitals should give 100% care to anyone who has life threatening conditions and not just to stabilize a patient to be transported. She said that To require private for profit hospitals to keep patients who walk into their emergency room past stabilizing them will cut into their obligation to their shareholders. The change would only require a hospital to give care past stabilization only if it is 100% required.

I have added the book as well for help.

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Intro Final Paper
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