Health and Safety and Quality On line Test The online H&S and Quality test will be available on Study Space under assessments. Date and Time of Test: Monday 19 April 2021, 9.00 am Learning outcomes covered: Understand and contract toe roles of various parties in the successful collaborative management of health and safety during both design and construction phases of construction. Evaluate likelihood and impact of risk occurrence and procedures to manage those risks, including health and safety risk. Appraise quality management techniques. Instructions for taking the online test The test is to be taken individually on-line, as per the timetable in the module assessment pack. It will be available via Canvas/VLE. Once started, the test has to be finished at one sitting. The maximum duration of the test is 80 minutes. The test will be an open book test i.e. you can refer to notes books etc. If your access to the University computer system is blocked or suspended for any reason (e.g. financial) during the test time period, you will not be able to take the test and you will lose these marks. The University action in this regard is designed to stop you from undertaking assessment of your education while the particular situation exists, in the same way as you would be excluded from examinations. It is your 4 responsibility to ensure that your computer access is not blocked in this way, and please note that it can take up to 10 days to restore computer access after such a suspension is resolved. There will be a practice test under assignments, which you can take as many times as you wish. The practice test contains 40 questions and you should aim to complete this in 40 Minutes if you wish to simulate exam conditions. The button to save your answer and arrow to move on to the next question are located on the right of the screen at the top and bottom respectively – the arrow button is small. Note the mouse pointer should turn to a hand on each of the arrow buttons. At the end of the final question there is a Submit button (instead of the arrow) which you must reach and click in order to submit your answers and obtain a mark. Make sure your window is wide enough to locate all these buttons. If you cannot see them (e.g. sometimes the buttons are obscured by the time elapsed box), your browser may be incorrectly configured. Go through the practice test before you undertake the test to check for difficulties. Occasionally the practice test will work satisfactorily, but buttons will then be obscured in the actual test. If this happens, try moving the mouse pointer around the screen over the area where the button should be, and look for it to change to a hand. Click the mouse here, and the test should proceed. Once you have clicked Begin you have started your attempt, and you must complete the test. You cannot just have a look. Do not try to refresh the page, go back to a previous page, zoom the page, or undertake other tasks on the computer e.g. open another window or another application (e.g., Email). All of these actions are likely to end your attempt and give you a mark of zero. You only get one attempt at the test. If you have a mouse with browser back/forward buttons, take care not to click them, and it is recommended you disable that mouse function during the test. If the text of the question exceeds the width of your screen, use the scrol
Management of Project, Risk, Quality and Safety