High-Quality Early Childhood Program Google Site

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review the following early childhood education websites:

Many parents begin their childs program search via the Internet. Therefore, as a leader, having a vision for a program website, as well as the ability to create and develop a website, can benefit you in your future. Your programs website plays a very important role in communicating a first impression to families. Many prospective parents use the Internet to help them identify possible early childhood programs in their geographic area, and then choose which programs they would like to visit or learn more about based on the information they find online. This is your opportunity to market your program. An attractive and well-designed website should be easy to read. Visitors to the site should be able to find the information they need quickly, with just a few clicks of a mouse.

For your Final Project, you will create a Google site for your own childcare program and facility using . Your Google site will be targeted toward prospective families and can be creative in the development but must include all of the following requirements. See the following exemplar for additional support: .

On your webpage, develop the following:

  • Home Page
    • Create a Google site for your own childcare program and facility using Google sites
    • Develop an introduction that welcomes families to your center and webpage
  • About Us Page
    • Summarize your credentials and biography
    • Explain the centers scope of services including: Ages served, hours of service, location of center and tuition or fees.
  • Program Structure
    • Establish daily structure including a curriculum unit plan, a sample lunch and snack menu, and explanation of your curriculum and developmentally appropriate practices.
  • Philosophy
    • Outline the philosophy and focus of the program, including your chosen theory from Chapter 1 and construct your centers philosophy based on this theory.
    • Design a statement that demonstrates how your center will address each of the ten NAEYC Standards:
      • Relationships
      • Curriculum
      • Teaching
      • Assessment of Child Progress
      • Health
      • Teachers (how you support your staff)
      • Families
      • Community Relationships
      • Physical Environment (indoors and out)
      • Leadership and Management (summary of your most recent professional development experience)

The Google Site must have a home page and at least five additional pages, with as many subpages as you would like, to address the required content above. You are encouraged to creatively address the material using graphics, visuals, charts, graphs, and sound and at least one visual (photo, drawing, clip art, word art., graphic) on each page. The website should be designed to clearly and concisely address the material for families. Be sure to use at least two professional resources and the course text.

The High Quality Early Childhood Program Google Site

  • Must be five to 10 pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Centers


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