For this assignment, select a healthcare facility that you regularly visit, e.g., a pharmacy, a doctors office, a hospital, a dentists office, or any other facility of your choice. Observe the steps performed to serve customers. Explain the importance of variation to health care organizations and answer the following questions in a Word document, then submit.
- What might the key processes for health care organizations be? Create a Flowchart Diagram to depict the key processes.
- What are common causes of variation that could affect the key processes of health care organizations?
- Which special causes might be more important than the others?
- How might health care organizations’ business environment be dynamic and change over time?
Please follow all directions given in the assignment
1-2 pages APA style to include title page
Absolutely no plagiarism
Looking for quality and thorough work
Looking for A+++
References should be no older than 5 years and scholarly journals and articles
needs help