Reflect upon your experience in the nursing Program and how you have met each program learning outcome. Summarize the findings in a 57-page paper in APA format which address the 10 nursing Program Learning Outcomes as defined in the Grading Rubric. 

  • Assume leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams within health care organizations.
  • Enhance professional nursing practice through the use of research and evidence-based practice.
  • Integrate methods of research and scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.
  • Design care for individuals, groups and communities.
  • Incorporate methods of health promotion and education in nursing care of individuals, families and      groups with simple to complex health care needs.
  • Accept accountability and responsibility for professional judgment and actions.
  • Integrate professional values  and role behaviors.
  • Examine the problems of  contemporary health and illness.
  • Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.
  • Collaborate with other groups to shape health policies that affect both individual and community health.

Compose your findings in 57-page paper in APA format.  Include a minimum of four scholarly references. The title page and reference list are not included in the 57-page range.  

Grading Rubric



5 points

2 points

1 points

0 points

Total Points


Develops a well-organized introduction   paragraph discussing the purpose of a professional development plan and the   importance of program learning outcomes (PLOs).  Ends the paragraph with   a clearly worded purpose statement.

Develops a well-organized introduction   paragraph discussing the purpose of a professional development plan and the   importance of program learning outcomes (PLOs).  Ends the paragraph with   a clearly worded purpose statement.

Introductory paragraph minimally describes   the purpose of a professional development plan and the importance of program   learning outcomes (PLOs).  Some details are missing.  The purpose   statement is unclear or not identified.

Introductory paragraph does not explain the   purpose of a professional development plan and the importance of program   learning outcomes (PLOs). Some content is missing.  No purpose   statement.

No paper submitted or content missing




7 points

4 points

2 points

0 Points


Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Assume leadership roles on multidisciplinary   teams within health care organizations.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Assume leadership roles on multidisciplinary   teams within health care organizations

Identifies half of the elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Assume leadership roles on   multidisciplinary teams within health care organizations

Summarizes less than half of the elements of   the RN-BSN PLO:

Assume leadership roles on multidisciplinary   teams within health care organizations

Does not include or address any of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Assume leadership roles on   multidisciplinary teams within health care organizations



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Enhance professional nursing practice   through the use of research and evidence-based practice.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Enhance professional nursing practice   through the use of research and evidence-based practice.

Identifies and addresses only half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Enhance professional nursing practice   through the use of research and evidence-based practice.

Identifies and addresses less than half of   the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Enhance professional nursing practice   through the use of research and evidence-based practice.

Does not identify or address the RN-BSN PLO:

Enhance professional nursing practice   through the use of research and evidence-based practice.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate methods of research and   scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate methods of research and   scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.

Identifies and addresses only half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate methods of research and   scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.

Identifies addresses less than half of the   elements of  the RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate methods of research and   scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.

Does not identify or address the RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate methods of research and   scholarship to make and prioritize diagnoses.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Design care for individuals, groups and   communities.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Design care for individuals, groups and   communities.

Identified and addresses only half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Design care for individuals, groups and   communities.

Identifies and addresses less than half of   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Design care for individuals, groups and   communities.

Does not address the RN-BSN PLO:

Design care for individuals, groups   and communities.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Incorporate methods of health   promotion and education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups   with simple to complex health care needs.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Incorporate methods of health   promotion and education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups   with simple to complex health care needs.

Identifies and addresses half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Incorporate methods of health   promotion and education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups   with simple to complex health care needs.

Identifies and addresses less than half of   the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Incorporate methods of health promotion and   education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups with simple to   complex health care needs.

Does not address the RN-BSN PLO:

Incorporate methods of health promotion and   education in nursing care of individuals, families and groups with simple to   complex health care needs.



Address a majority of the RN-BSN PLO:

Accept accountability and responsibility for   professional judgment and actions.

Address a majority of the RN-BSN PLO:

Accept accountability and   responsibility for professional judgment and actions.

Identifies and addresses half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Accept accountability and responsibility for   professional judgment and actions.

Identifies and addresses less than half of   the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Accept accountability and responsibility for   professional judgment and actions.

Does not identify or address any of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Accept accountability and   responsibility for professional judgment and actions.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate professional values and role   behaviors.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate professional values and role   behaviors.

Identifies and incorporates half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate professional values and role   behaviors.

Identifies and incorporates less than half   of the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate professional values and role   behaviors.

Does not identify or incorporates any   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Integrate professional values and role   behaviors.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Examine the problems of contemporary   health and illness.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Examine the problems of contemporary   health and illness.

Identifies and incorporates half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Examine the problems of contemporary health   and illness.

Identifies and incorporates less than half   of the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Examine the problems of contemporary health   and illness.

Does not identify or incorporates the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Examine the problems of contemporary health   and illness.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.

Identifies and incorporates half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.

Identifies and incorporates less than half   of the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.

Does not identify or incorporates the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Demonstrate the role of the global citizen.



Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Collaborate with other groups to shape   health policies that affect both individual and community health.

Fully incorporates all elements of the   RN-BSN PLO:

Collaborate with other groups to shape   health policies that affect both individual and community health.

Identifies and incorporates half of the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Collaborate with other groups to shape   health policies that affect both individual and community health.

Identifies and incorporates less than half   of the elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Collaborate with other groups to shape   health policies that affect both individual and community health.

Does not identify or incorporate the   elements of the RN-BSN PLO:

Collaborate with other groups to shape   health policies that affect both individual and community health.




5 points

2 points

1 points

0 points


Ends paper with a separate paragraph (with   Conclusion as heading) and summarizes key points in paper.

Ends paper with a separate paragraph (with   Conclusion as heading) and summarizes key points in paper.

Ends paper with a separate paragraph (with   Conclusion as heading).  Conclusion paragraph is unclear. Some key   points are missing.

Conclusion paragraph is missing some   content.

No paper submitted or conclusion is missing.




5 points

3 points

1 point

0 points



Organization excellent, ideas clear and   arranged logically, transitions smooth, no flaws in logic.

Organization good; ideas usually clear and   arranged in acceptable sequence; transitions usually smooth, good support.

Organization minimally effective; problems   in approach, sequence, support and transitions.

Organization does not meet requirements.




Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage   correct and idiomatic, consistent with Standard American English.

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage   good mostly consistent with Standard American English; errors do not   interfere with meaning or understanding.

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage   distracting and often interfere with meaning or understanding.

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage   interfere with understanding.




3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points



References are relevant, authoritative and   contemporary.

Adequate references.

Minimal use of appropriate references.

Poor use and/or selection of references not   relevant.




7 points

4 points

1 point

0 points


APA Format

Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and   APA.

Minimal APA errors.

Many APA errors.

Complete lack of understanding.



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