The final project will consist of analyzing a film for its historical accuracy. You should have had your film approved by me before completing this. Your paper will need to be 8 pages double spaced, 12 point font size maximum and margins not bigger than 1 inch. This paper will need to be in APA format with in text citations and a reference section. No title page or abstract is necessary.
Please include the following components in your analysis
- Introduction
- Brief explanation of the plot of the film
- Analysis of Historical Accuracy
- Context of the Sport the film covers
- What did the film get right (provide evidence)
- What did the film get wrong (provide evidence)
- Context of the Sport the film covers
- How accurately did the film discuss or include the social context of the time?
- How could the film better addressed the social context of time and been more accurate portraying the sport?
- After analyzing the historical accuracy of the film has your opinion of the film changed? How?
- Conclusion
History of Sport final paper film analyzation