- Each student will be required to produce a 15-20 page (double-spaced) final paper connecting to the theoretical and/or methodological interests of the course. As an example of this project, reflect on some of the business examples and business issues presented in the class. Is there a business that requires a transformation in its system technology and design? Is there a way to make the business more efficient and perhaps safe using business information systems such as CRM, security or even producing a cyber hacking policy? Please use the course text and lecture materials as your guide. I have intentionally left considerable room for choice here, and ALL students are strongly encouraged to consult with me as early as possible in developing a topic.
- Per standard university guidelines governing plagiarism and academic honesty, all work for the course is expected to be original or appropriately acknowledged.
- 15-20 page (double-spaced) not including Title Page and References
- Seek quality in the paper and do not be concerned about quantity. There are no lost points for writing more.
- Title Page and Reference Page Must Be Included
- All references must follow APA criteria use Citation Machine to assist you
- Please review all Spelling, Grammar and Plagiarism use Grammarly.com to assist you
- Ensure you have a good introduction tell me what the paper will derive, tell me what you decide to prove or tell me then tell me.
- Ensure you have good presentation points where necessary use subheadings to help you transition from topic to topic.
- Have a good conclusion that summarizes your arguments and assertions
Information technology 15-20 page paper