Developmental Theory Paper Outline
The purpose of the theory paper is to assist students in developing self-awareness and gaining an understanding of major human development theories. The paper will also afford the student the opportunity to examine how lifestyle, values, systems, needs, thinking patterns, habits, and behaviors shape who we all are. This will be further examined through Ecological Systems Theory and Psychosocial Theory.
This assignment is required to contain the following APA style format elements:
1. Title page (the title should be unique to your paper; it should not be Theory Paper. Be creative and give your work an applicable title!)
2. Abstract -75 to 100 words in length + keywords
3. Introduction (one paragraph minimum; 3-5 sentences)
4. Body of paper (Correct headings listed below)
5. Conclusion6. Reference page (APA citation format) Minimum
6 References
7. Be double-spaced throughout; 12 point Times New Roman font; .5 indentions
8. Minimum 10 pages
Your Body will require of the following
APA Level 1 and 2
Introduction (Level 1 Bold, Centered)
Ecological Systems Theory Analysis(Level 1 Bold, Centered)
Ecological Systems Theory Strengths and Weaknesses (Level 2 Flush Left, Bold)
Psychosocial Theory Analysis(Level 1 Bold, Centered)
Psychosocial Theory Strengths and Weaknesses (Level 2 Flush Left, Bold)
Film and Character Summary (Level 1 Bold, Centered)
Film Character Theory Analysis(Level 1 Bold, Centered)
Ecological Systems Theory in the characters life (Level 2 Flush Left, Bold)
Psychosocial Theory in the characters life (Level 2 Flush Left, Bold)
Self-Reflection Theory Analysis (Level 1 Bold, Centered)
Ecological Systems Theory in your life (Level 2 Flush Left, Bold)
Psychosocial Theory in your life (Level 2 Flush Left, Bold)
Conclusion(Level 1 Bold, Centered)