Textbook Reading
Wheelan: Chapters 1012
For this paper, you will research and write a literature review on a topic relevant to this course. Your research paper will be a comprehensive review of the scholarly literature related to your topic.
What is a literature review?
A literature review is used to, as the name suggests, review the literature, or research, about a specific topic area. A literature review will inform you about the research that has already been conducted about your chosen subject.
Throughout the process of a literature review, you will want to look for common themes and patterns in the research as a whole, as well as any gaps in the research surrounding your topic.
Important Points to Remember
The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of graduate-level research and writing, which conforms to current APA 7 format. Competency in the current APA 7 format is required.
The paper is to be written in strict adherence to current APA standards and must contain 20 pages of content excluding the title page, abstract, and references pages. You must utilize a minimum of 12 scholarly references, but it is anticipated that you will integrate more than this minimum.
Three levels of current APA headings must be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.
It is recommended that you minimize the use of quotes within this paper. Keep in mind that, when you do directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote unless it is 40 words or more which then must be set in block quotation format. You must also give detailed information of where you acquired the quote in adherence with APA guidelines.
For the purpose of this academic paper, adhere to the following rules when quoting from a source:
Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
Quotes must be properly cited within the text according to APA guidelines.
In all instances, use current APA guidelines for citations and references.
The paper must not be a series of quotations. It should demonstrate your comprehension and synthesis of the material.
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