- Which list of general symptoms characterizes the Great Depression most accurately?A.Sleeping all the time, eating too much (or too little), taking little pleasure in things one used to enjoy…B.Producers scale back production and stock markets crash, and consumers stop purchasing as much, resulting in very high unemployment levels.C.Scarce goods (not enough supply in the market), weak currency and inflation (things that used to be cheap are very expensive), easy credit/loans, and labor shortages (not enough workers to get urgently-needed work done).D.Constant resource wars.
1 points
- John Maynard Keynes argued that, during economic depressions, governments shouldA.borrow money from other countries to pay off debts.B.cut government services and lower taxes.C.spend more money in order to stimulate more buying and selling.D.spend less and save money.
1 points
- The basic goal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal” was toA.punish the wealthiest Americans for their greed.B.save market capitalism by reforming it and moderating its excesses.C.reduce government regulation of the economy, in order to realize an ideal libertarian society.D.create a centralized command economy similar to Stalin’s Five Year Plan.
1 points
- Britain responded to the Great Depression byA.increasing investment in its colonies.B.raising an enormous national debt.C.limiting imports and concentrating on producing more goods within its own domestic market.D.selling off many of its colonies.
1 points
- During the Great Depression, Japan invaded Manchuria mainly because it wantedA.land for Japanese settlers.B.access to vital raw materials like metal, coal, etc., for its industry.C.Chinese slaves to work in Japanese rice paddies, freeing up Japanese laborers for military service.D.to use it as a base for invading Korea.
1 points
- Which of the following is NOT a typical component of a “totalitarian” system?A.A state that leaves people alone in the their private lives as long as they do not challenge the systemB.A single, all-encompassing ideology with a vision of a great futureC.Media (mass communication, publishing, radio, etc.) that is completely controlled by the state.D.A clearly-defined “enemy of the people” or “enemy of the state.”E.Only one political party, usually with a leader who commands ultimate loyalty.
1 points
- In the Soviet Union’s “New Economy Policy” of the 1920s,A.Lenin decided to move Russia’s peasants to factory communities and use the profits to import grain from abroad.B.Lenin announced that Russia and the Soviet Union had finally achieved perfect Communism.C.Lenin forced peasants to move to enormous collective farms, where many of them died.D.Lenin allowed Russian peasants to sell their produce for profit, thus increasing Russia’s agricultural production.
1 points
- In the Soviet Union, what was Joseph Stalin’s “Five-Year Plan?”A.A “revolution from above” in which the central government dictated massive industrial growth through planning and production quotas.B.A plan to cut off all Soviet ties with the outside world within five years, establishing an autarky like Japan had done in the Tokugawa era.C.A plan to conquer Finland (hopefully you know how that turned out).D.A plan to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II and set up a Communist government.
1 points
- In the Soviet Union during “collectivization,” what group did Stalin say must be annihilated as a class?A.ArtistsB.All intellectuals (anyone who thought for a living rather than performing manual labor)C.All ethnic minorities, including most ethnic RussiansD.Kulaks (the term for “rich” farmers)
1 points
- The most impressive accomplishments and growth in Stalin’s five-year plans occurred inA.heavy industrial production.B.the territorial growth of the USSR.C.food production.D.foreign trade.
1 points
- The answer to this question is scattered all over the place, so if you have generally been paying attention, you should know: Which of the following did NOT have a fascist government in the 1930s?A.Italy under “Il Duce” MussoliniB.Spain under “Generalissimo” FrancoC.The Soviet Union under “Comrade” StalinD.Germany under “Der Fuhrer” Hitler
1 points
- Which of the following describes how Adolph Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany?A.In an election, they became the largest single party in the German parliament and used legal emergency measures to eliminate all other parties.B.They formed an alliance with the German Communist Party and seized power in a revolution with help from Joseph Stalin.C.On one night (called Kristallnacht), Nazi storm troopers looted Jewish-owned buildings and openly assaulted Jews in public; they promised to take even more extreme measures, so the vast majority of German people approvingly revolted against the Weimar government and placed the Nazis in power.D.Nazi storm troopers burned down the Reichstag building and murdered the President, Paul von Hindenburg.
1 points
- What happened to Czechoslovakia in 1938?A.The British and French did not give Hitler permission to invade Czechoslovakia, and when the Germans did so anyway, the British and French declared war on Germany.B.Hitler demanded the German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia for Germany; Britain and France allowed that, hoping that Hitler would be satisfied and not start any wars.C.Czechoslovakia was Communist, and the British and French were anti-Communist, so they urged Germany to invade to do their “dirty work” for them.D.The Czechs and the Slovaks separated from one another and created two independent countries: The Czech Republic and Slovakia.
1 points
- What military methods did the Germans use for their initial victories in Poland, France, etc., during the first years of World War II?A.Hand-to-hand combatB.CavalryC.”Sabotage”=secretly destroying target governments from withinD.”Lightning War” (Blitzkrieg)=fast advance with tanks and planes
1 points
- The “Europe First Policy” in World War II wasA.Hitler’s plan to exterminate all “non-European” peoples such as the Sinti and Roma Peoples (formerly known as gypsies), and Jews.B.Hitler’s plan to conquer the British Isles through a massive campaign to bomb civilian targets, such as the City of London.C.the British plan to exploit Indian resources until the end of World War II and then finally grant India its independence.D.The plan of the United States to focus on defeating Hitler before focusing much of Japan.E.the Swiss plan to use its powerful navy to protect both British and German ports, so its great banks could be in an ideal position to loan both sides even more money than they had already borrowed.
1 points
- Why was the Battle of Stalingrad so significant in World War II?A.After winning Stalingrad, Hitler was finally free to start implementing his “final solution” of mass-executing Europe’s Jews.B.The American forces had their first significant victory there.C.It was a turning-point in the war, because the German victory at Stalingrad convinced the Japanese to join forces with Germany and attack Pearl Harbor.D.It was a turning-point in the war, because after failing to take Stalingrad, Hitler’s troops were forced into a steady retreat from the Soviet Union.
1 points
- NATO refers toA.The North African Transit Operation, which constructed the Suez Canal.B.The North American Trade Operative, which established a free-trade zone among the US, Mexico, and Canada.C.The North American Transit Option, which was responsible for demolishing many local rail networks and favoring private automobile ownership.D.The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which united most of Western Europe, the US, and Canada in an anti-Soviet defensive military alliance.
1 points
- According to “dependence theory,”A.poor former colonies remain stuck in a dependent relationship with the rich industrial countries mainly because the rich countries have the advantage of having gotten rich first.B.one should teach a person to fish rather than give that person a fish.C.the poor populations of former colonies are primarily interested in finding ways to shame their former colonial rulers into providing financial aid.D.poor former colonies should accept that they will always be better at producing raw materials than high quality industrial products.
1 points
- Which of the following statements would a proponent of the “modernization theory” of economic development most likely make to a poor African country?A.”If you follow the example of successful countries and implement reforms like they have, you will gradually can start to enjoy the benefits of an advanced economy.”B.”From each according to his ability, to each according to his need! Workers of the world, unite!”C.”Why copy the West when you have your own proud culture and history? You should follow your own path.”D.”You simply don’t have what it takes to be a rich country. You’ll never make it, no matter how hard you try.”
1 points
- Which of the following hypothetical scenarios would be an example of “import substitution industrialization?”A.Brazil wants to encourage Brazilians to manufacture their own bicycles, so it places a high tax on foreign bicycles.B.Canada imports high-quality chainsaws from Japan and uses them to harvest timber, which is then sold to Japan for profit (which more than pays for the chainsaws).C.The United States imports cheap goods produced in places like China so the American labor force can concentrate on more valuable skills like technology and the financial sector.D.All production of tractors in the Soviet Union was dictated by the GOSPLAN bureaucracy in Moscow under the Fiver Year Plans.
1 points
- Choose the most objectively correct answer: “liberation theologists” areA. anti-Catholic servants of the Evil One.B.no longer around because their ideas have been completely discredited.C.left-wing and socialist-leaning. D.right-wing and authoritarian-leaning.
1 points
- What was the primary message of Frantz Fanon’s “The Wretched of the Earth?”A.The human spirit is resilient and we are all brothers and sisters.B.Science is science no matter what the nationality of the people who practice it, so Africans should learn from Western physicians.C.Africa will one day lord over Europe the way Europe previously lorded over Africa.D.Genuine independence requires a total break with the colonial powers and a rejection of Western values.
1 points
- When India gained independence from Great Britain in 1947,A.it joined the Soviet Bloc as a Communist state.B.it split between two hostile states: one mostly Muslim (Pakistan) and the other mostly Hindu (India).C.it joined the Western/US sphere as a member of NATO.D.its economy still remained completely dominated by British imperialism.
1 points
- East Pakistan (Bangladesh) fought for independence from West Pakistan becauseA.the Bengali majority of East Pakistan felt neglected and dominated by the West Pakistani elite.B.Indira Gandhi was a woman, and the people of East Pakistan had a very misogynist culture.C.The Hindu majority of the Bangladesh felt oppressed by the Muslim majority of the West Pakistan.D.East Pakistan (Bangladesh) wanted the economic benefits of remaining part of India.
1 points
- Which of the following provided the most inspiration for the “Arab socialist” style of government in the mid-20th century?A.The Islamic Republic of IranB.The Algerian RevolutionC.The Palestinian Liberation OrganizationD.Egypt under Nasser
1 points
- After Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, which countries invaded it?A.The Arab League and the Soviet UnionB.Great Britain, France, and IsraelC.The United States and the OPEC countriesD.Israel, Great Britain, and the United States
1 points
- The Ba’athist Party of Iraq wasA.Liberal and Western-friendly.B.Islamic fundamentalist.C.nationalist and socialist-leaning.D.Communist.
1 points
- Mao Zedong’s “Great Leap Forward”A.made the family the basis of Chinese society.B.jumped directly from “Communism” to “State Capitalism.”C.prepared China for the Olympics.D.was an effort to turn the peasants into industrialists, and it led to massive starvation.
1 points
- In the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, most of the Red Guards wereA.old Russian Bolsheviks.B.Vietnamese peasants.C.students.D.hippies.
1 points
- In the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, what did the Red Guards try to destroy?A.War itself; they wanted peace at all costs.B.The Chinese Communist PartyC.Holdovers from the pre-revolutionary period, such as old art and old professors.D.Che Guevara and Julio Iglesias.
1 points
- Pick the closest analogy: North Korea is to South Korea asA.Palestine is to IsraelB.Poland was to the Soviet UnionC.East Germany (DDR) was to West Germany (BRD)D.North Dakota is to South Dakota
1 points
- In the early 20th century, what did the idea of “negritude” (a French term) denote?A.The successes of the European colonists in creating a black African elite.B.The inferiority of African people due to the hot climate, which was supposed to cause physical and intellectual lethargy.C.Racial pride, self-confidence, and joy in black creativity and culture.D.The anger of black Africans at the abuses perpetrated by Europeans.
1 points
- How did the “cocoa holdups” help promote African nationalism?A.African farmers mobilized much of the population against foreign companies and saw the power of mass protest.B.African merchants learned the tricks of European merchants and began to gain economic advantages due to their superior knowledge of the local landscape and geography of Africa.C.Africans learned the necessity of creating strong national governments in order to police local troublemakers.D.African bandits gained military experience, which provided them with the confidence to defeat the European imperialists.
1 points
- Which of the following contributed LEAST to the widespread decolonization in Africa during the 1950s and 1960s?A.Left-wing governments in power in Europe after World War II (such as Britain’s Labour Party) were, in principle, opposed to imperialism and in favor of African self-rule.B.After World War II, the United States stationed troops in Africa that helped prepare Africans for self-rule.C.More Africans were getting Western educations.
1 points
- In effect, Charles de Gaulle’s creation of a “French Commonwealth” in Africa wasA.a divide-and-rule strategy designed to encourage Africans to keep their connection with France.B.a plan to grant complete independence to former African colonies as quickly as possible.C.an attempt to take over British possessions in Africa.D.an attempt to undermine Great Britain and destroy the European Common Market (the early incarnation of the European Union).
1 points
- During the 20th century, how was Belgium’s policy towards its colony in Congo different from that of France to its African colonies?Unlike the French, the Belgians discouraged the development of an educated African population.Belgium supported the plan of an imperial federation.Belgium set up a communist system in the Congo, while French colonies remained capitalist.Belgium was the first to grant an African colony its independence, while France was the last.
1 points
- During the 20th century, “economic nationalism” arose in Latin America primarily with the goal ofA.reducing the power of foreign corporations and replacing foreign imports with more products and manufactures made within the country, often under state control.B.placing more control in the hands of large, multinational corporations.C.returning to an economy based mostly on the export of raw materials, while importing finished manufactures from more industrialized countries.D.bringing about a stronger economic separation between the Roman Catholic Church and the state.
1 points
- The “new state” of Getulio Vargas in Brazil in the late 1930s was modeled onA.the South African apartheid government.B.European fascist governments.C.the Soviet Communist government.D.the Swiss Confederation.
1 points
- Stalin’s successor, Nikita Khrushchev,A.announced that Stalin had been a rather bad ruler in many ways, such as by killing innocent people.B.carried on all of Stalin’s traditions without any significant changes.C.said the Soviet Union must never cease fighting the West until it is completely destroyed.D.allowed Poland and Hungary to leave the Soviet Bloc and establish truly democratic governments, which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall within 5 years.