What I am passionate about  given Topic is :  “Raising awareness about Depression,” Since May will be here soon and it is mental health month I feel like this is what I want this research paper to be on. Since I battle with it myself but better way than be passionate about raising awareness about depression.

During the course of this class, we learn all about our interactions within society, as an individual, how we make up various groups, statuses, and contribute to or impact society. One of the ways we contribute to society is by giving back to society and helping those in need. Take a few moments and think about something you are really passionate about. This could be advocating for those with disabilities, helping the homeless,  volunteering at city food banks or soup kitchens; mentoring a child, or even sharing a special skill set with others who are less fortunate or dont have the means to engage in such an activity.
This paper will be researched based but will also include a creative component. Once you determine a topic you are passionate about, I want you to research more into the topic. Find a group that exists to raise awareness to the topic and research them as well. Lastly, I want you to develop a hypothetical fundraiser for event for this topic and group  (i.e. if you were to organize a fundraiser  for this topic, the plan and steps you would take to do so. This means you do not actually have to organize this event, rather just a hypothetical event.)
Paper must be typed in APA format with cover page and reference page (Times Roman size 12 Font, 1margins all around).
I do not like to set page limits, but a good guideline for this paper is about 5 pages not counting cover or reference page (more pages is ok!)
Your paper should include:
Cover page (5 points)
Body of report (60 Points)
    Intro-overview of the topic you are passionate about
    Body of report
– History or background of the topic you would like to raise awareness to
– Statistics on prevalence of identified topic
– Identify what group or population you are advocating for
– Identify the need for fundraising, who would benefit, how the funds would be used, etc.
– Identify an established charity group pertaining to the topic and outline their mission and purpose
Fundraiser flyer- (25 Points)
Develop a flyer to advertise your hypothetical fundraiser. Flyer should include brief summary of your cause, identified group to benefit from this fundraiser, event details, and summary of activities at the event included (50/50; penny auction; etc.) 
Reference Page (10 Points): I do not like to set amount of references but your paper should reflect information obtained from more than two sources. Wikipedia is not a reliable source and will not be accepted.


I am Passionate about Raising Depression Awareness
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