Covid-19 pandemic has had a profoundly negative impact on the world economy. Millions of jobs has been lost, retail sales have declined, hospitality industry has stopped entertaining, just to name a few. However, on the other hand, e-commerce has been one of the few bright spots in the overall economy, with over-all e-commerce revenue growing 20% in the first quarter of 2020, compared to a 12% gain in the first quarter of 2019.

  • Find an article from The Economist (limit your search field within The Economist only); your chosen article must be relevant to subjects of how e-commerce has greatly benefited from changes in consumer behavior due to the pandemic.
  • Submit a one to two pages article summary of your chosen article.

The Economist, founded in 1943, is a weekly newspaper read by people internationally. It focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology. You can access it in printed magazine-format or digitally at:

When you are at the The Economist website, you may type your search words such as:

  • E-commerce
  • E-business
  • E-commerce and pandemic
  • E-commer and Covid-19
  • E-business and pandemic
  • E-business and Covid-19
  • Covid-19 pandemic, etc.

You will find many interesting articles in The Economist. However, you only select one as your chosen article

In the first paragraph of your article summary, to let your readers know what they are about to experience or to inform them that they are about to read a summary of an article, you must introduce the following four pieces of information:

  • source origin (i.e., The Economist),
  • Issue or date of that article published (i.e., January 15, 2019),
  • author name (i.e., Moon Ihlwan),
  • article title (i.e., Samsungs Rise in Digital TV)

Lastly, you should reference your chosen article at the end of your article summary again; either by providing a link to that article or providing that article as an attachment to your article summary.  Because your instructor will read your article before grading your article summary.


BUS320 week 3 Assignment 3
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