For this assignment, you will compose an essay consisting of at least two pages in which you discuss the following topics:
the characteristics and goals of public and private fire prevention and protection organizations,
why it is important for public and private fire prevention and protection organizations to exist, and
how public and private fire prevention and protection organizations interact with one another and with other emergency services agencies.
In Unit VIII of this course, you will interview a safety or fire prevention expert regarding his or her role in a public or private fire prevention organization.
At the end of this essay, you will include a section in which you will list five to seven interview questions that you will ask your interviewee about his or her role in a public or private fire prevention organization. Include such information as who he or she works with in other public or private organizations that serve a fire prevention mission and what his or her responsibilities are.
The questions that you draft should help you capture information that will allow you to summarize and differentiate among the fire prevention responsibilities of public and private fire prevention organizations and associations. Your questions should also allow you to gather information concerning the functions of a fire prevention division, inspection practices and procedures, the standards for professional qualification for personnel within fire prevention, and professional development opportunities for fire prevention personnel.
You should be looking for an interviewee from outside your field. For example, If you are a firefighter, your interview should be with an occupational safety and health expert. If you are an occupational safety and health professional, your interview should be with a fire prevention inspector or fire marshal. More information about the interview will be available when it is assigned later in the course
Unit II Assignment