- Employees (Employee code, Full name, Age, Sex, Address, Phone number, Passport data, Position code).
- Positions (Position Code, Position Name, Salary, Responsibilities, Requirements).
- Rooms (Room Code, Name, Capacity, Description, Cost, Employee Code).
- Services (Service Code, Name, Description, Cost).
- Clients (full name, passport data, check-in date, check-out date, room code, service code 1, service code 2, service code 3, cost, employee code).
- Human Resources Department (joins the “Employees” and “Positions” tables by the “Position Code” field).
- Numbers (joins the “Employees” and ” Rooms” tables by the “Employee Code” field).
- Clients (Joins the tables “Clients”, “Rooms”, “Services” and “Employees” in the fields “Rooms code”, “Service code”, “Service code 1”, “Service code 2”, “Service code 3” and “Employee Code”).
Parameter queries:
- Display employees of specified positions (based on the request “Human Resources”).
- Display clients living in specified rooms (based on the “Clients” query).
- Display rooms of specified capacities (based on the request “Numbers”).
Database of a hotel