-APA format
-The paper should cite and reference at least 5 empirical journal articles of psychology.
-Abstract: Summarize the literature in 150 words. You should write this section last because it is a summary of the rest of the paper.
-Introduction: Introduce the topic of your paper: describe the major concepts (ex. What is aggressive behavior, depression etc.) and mention some general knowledge supported by research.
Propose a thesis (i.e. Viewing violent media causes aggressive behavior) and state how you will attempt to validate it (i.e. I will attempt to validate this claim by summarizing research related to violent TV and violent video games).
-Literature Review: Summarize research related to your topic: What have others written about the topic in scientific journals, studies, websites, etc.? You should attempt to validate your thesis with the research you summarize. This is the major portion of your paper and should contain several paragraphs totaling about 2-3 pages.
-Conclusion: (A) Restate your thesis, and (B) briefly summarize why it is supported (mention the main points).
-References: list all sources used for the research paper in APA format.
– include: abstract, literature review, conclusion, and references.