8 pages
Find and review the following article:
- French, S. (2009). Action research for practising managers. The Journal of Management Development, 28(3), 187204. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02621710910939596
- Wall, Tony & Russell, Jayne & Moore, Neil. (2017). Positive emotion in workplace impact: The case of a work-based learning project utilising appreciative inquiry. Journal of Work-Applied Management. 9. 129-146.
Your project proposal will contain a Practical Framework section of 812 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, or reference list). Develop these sections according to the following guidelines:
- Practical Framework: Explain how you will conduct action research. Include the following:
- Identification of Grand Objective
- Identification of First Sub-Objective/Diagnosis
- Planning Phase
- How will you approach the problem within the confines of your organization?
- Action Phase
- Emphasis must be on how you will facilitate this phase as you employ appreciative inquiry/action research (AI/AR) values. (If you are not sure, hypothesize what you believe would be the best approach.)
- Facilitation of the Reflection Phase
- Identify the new knowledge created during the cycle (covering “What? So what? and Now what?”), and employ the values of AI/AR.
Project Implementation