Overview of common proposal and final paper formats

Here is an overview of the main kinds of projects students have done in the past. Read over these but remember you can also propose your own project if you first discuss it with me. (choose one pf the following kind of essay)

1-Analytic review.  This involves summarizing, synthesizing, and evaluating a set of texts.  That is, you will a) select a topic, question, or problem, b) assemble some texts that address this topic, question, or problem, c) explain major points of difference, similarity, or contrast, d) evaluate some aspect of the texts (for e.g., strengths and weakness, or rhetorical strategies), then e) present your own position and response to the texts. (Note you can choose video texts such as TED talks, documentaries, interviews, etc.)

2-Analytic book review. This involves choosing a book, selecting some chapters from it, and writing a detailed review and evaluation of the book. Talk to me for suggestions.

3-Presenting an argument. Describe a question, issue, or problem. Your paper will describe how a few authors have approached the issue, and then present your own argument. Your argument should contribute to the conversation in some way by extending, illustrating, complicating, or challenging what the other authors say. Your paper should conclude by addressing the significance of the issue, discussing its implications, proposing a solution, or suggesting what can be learned from examining this issue.

4-Lens assignment. Use one of the texts we have read, or select your own, as a lens (or model) for analyzing some target texts. For example, scholars such as Milner provide rhetorical lenses for analyzing memes. You could use this to examine an online community you are interested in. Some scholars provide lenses for examining the rhetoric of extremist, neo, and quasi authoritarian groups. An interesting example of this is Jason Stanleys analysis of a 2-minute video shown before the January 20 assault on Congress (if interested I can provide more background).  Authors like Roberts-Miller and Merciaca provide simple rhetorical lenses for examining authoritarian and extremist groups
5-Compose a rhetorical analysis of a site or online community. You may wish to focus on how the site is organised, and how members use language to build community and share cultural values. For example, some scholars are looking at how certain extremist groups use language to persuade, build support, fashion a community, and make use of new internet genres such as memes. But there are also other, far less scary sites/communities to examine, including fan sites (Im told fan fiction sites for anime shows like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure are interesting).

6-Rhetoric in action. Your project could consist of something practical that addresses a community need. For example, one former 411 student wrote a high school guide for how to identify and analyse extremist rhetoric in popular social media platforms. Some interesting writing is being done on how to use rhetoric to persuade friends and family members to move away from conspiracy groups like QAnon, and extremist groups associated with the alt right. There is interest in how to fight medical misinformation online (consider Caulfields infodemic.blog site). And there is a lot of work on how to promote critical digital literacy and fight fake news. You could propose a paper project that helps a particular group in some way. You could also propose to create a specific artefact say a podcast, guide, or presentation.

7-Propose a creative project that involves personal narrative. Such a project might use some of the texts we have read, and respond to them in part through personal narrative. For example, the experience of the last year could provide certain insights about living and learning online, about community, mental health, or the forms of online teaching that do (or dont) work best from your perspective.

All sources that you can choose from are linked in the “more on final” PDF. Limited to choosing one of those topics only VERY IMPORTANT. Choose ONE of the ideas listed on the PDF to write the paper about except do not do #9, I have attached 3 student samples for reference and ideas


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