1. Assignment Expectations:
a. Chose (2) readings and address (2) concepts (A and B) in about 150 words each.
b. You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow breakdown below.
2. The Assignment: Given the readings below identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.
3. Concept A (points 10/20):
1. Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
2. Your professional discipline: ……..
3. How applicable (points 6/20): ……
4. Concept B (points 10/20):
0. Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
1. Your professional discipline: ……..
2. How applicable (points 6/20): ……
Morais, R. M. d., Somera, S. C., Goes, W. M., & Costa, A. L. (2016). Applicability of an assessment model for healthcare information systems in a public hospital. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 13(3), 459.
Slabodkin, G. (2017). Joint Commission eases ORYX requirements for acute care hospitals. Health Data Management (Online).
Naessens, J. M., Van Such, M. B., Nesse, R. E., Dilling, J. A., Swensen, S. J., Thompson, K. M., … & Santrach, P. J. (2017). Looking under the streetlight? A framework for differentiating performance measures by level of care in a value-based payment environment. Academic Medicine, 92(7), 943.
De Oliveira, J. L. C., Gabriel, C. S., Fertonani, H. P., & Matsuda, L. M. (2017). Management changes resulting from hospital accreditation. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 25, e2851.
Flanagan, P. (2017). Aiming for quality and accreditation in the hospital blood bank. ISBT Science Series, 12(1), 46-50.
Ehlers, L.H., Simonsen, K.B., Jensen, M.B., Rasmussen, G.S., Olesen, A.V. (2017). Unannounced versus announced hospital surveys: a nationwide cluster-randomized controlled trial. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29(3), 406411.
Research from Columbia Business School reveals how to shorten emergency room wait time. (2016, Aug 29). PR Newswire.
Robinson, M. (2017, Aug 08). How hospital overcrowding affects paramedics. The Times Transcript.
Rojas, E., Seplveda, M., Munoz-Gama, J., Capurro, D., Traver, V., & Fernandez-Llatas, C. (2017). Question-driven methodology for analyzing emergency room processes using process mining. Applied Sciences, 7(3), 302.
Smith, B., Bouchoucha, S., & Watt, E. (2016). Care in a chair the impact of an overcrowded emergency department on the time to treatment and length of stay of self-presenting patients with abdominal pain. International Emergency Nursing, 29, 9-14.
Knopf, A. (2016). Examine the trends in accreditation. Behavioral Healthcare, 36(4), 22-25.
Ornstein, C. (2017). Secret data on hospital inspections may soon become public. Washington: NPR.
Science; Study results from university hospital update understanding of quality control science (ISO 15189-accredited laboratories fulfill the JCI hospital accreditation standard requirements for the use of referral laboratories: Report of a consensus …). (2016). Science Letter, 1413.
The importance of avoiding denial of accreditation. (2016). Briefings on Accreditation and Quality, 27(9), 1-4.