The film analyses will involve viewing and critically analyzing a movie that we will discuss in class. Choose at least one phenomenon from a topic we discussed in class. The paper should be 2-3 double spaced pages in 12 pt font.
The assigned reading for the movie should be included in your analysis. The readings can be found in the Sakai folder under the resources tab.
Please label the following sections:
1) Describe the psychological principle(s) illustrated in the film using the reading and PowerPoint (only 1-2). Be sure to include citations for the definitions of the concepts (even if taken from the PowerPoint). If the concept is a psychological disorder, be sure to include the symptoms. 10pts
2) Describe the relevant scenes which illustrate the psychological principle(s). If this is a psychological disorder, this should be an illustration of the symptoms. 10pts
3) Analyze your concept(s) in part 1 using the assigned article. You should include information from the article (with citations) which relate to your concept(s). Describe the relevant movie scenes from the perspective of the article 10 pts.
4) Critically analyze the accuracies and in accuracies of the movies portrayal related to the concepts analyzed. based on the readings/PowerPoint 7pts
5) In-text citations and a reference page 3 pts
Be sure to include references to the assigned reading and PowerPoint. You should include in-text citations and a reference page.